
Whats spells worked for you?

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ok i hear so much about it and its very convincing that its real and believe it but i feel like i need proof to believe it fully so what spells worked for you??and are you a witch or psychic?




  1. I once practiced magic regularly and even now work a spell from time to time but most of the time I now work directly with the energy that a spell is meant to control.

    A spell is a ceremony used to program energy by first gathering it around you then after it is programed letting it go into the world to bring about your desire. There are many ways of doing this.

    I am an energy worker and healer so like I said I no longer really do what is considered a classic spell. However this winter I had a problem with a young lady's girlfriend. My friend was staying with me for a bit when the ex decided to come over. Whenever I move into a new house I weave energy around it that will not allow anyone with negative intent in. It's a little more complicated than that but that's the basics. The ex tried to walk into my door before I could get to the bottom of the stair. She took one step in, let out a little scream of pain and jumped back.

    I've also used money spells with varying degrees of success. Mos of the time I get the money I need or am looking for. Sometimes I only get what I need and not what I ask for but it's ok.

    I have woven protective spells around people and have them tell me that when they touch the crystal I anchored the spell in it burns when they are in a dangerous situation even when it isn't touching any heat source.

    I once protected a man who was driving 70 mph into a wall of bolders. The car was a mess, completely trashed, but he was completely unscathed. Not even a scratch.

    It all works and it's all intent. Just be careful and harm none.

  2. I don't really consider myself a "Witch", but I occasionally work spells.

    I've done "Glamour" spells that make people around me see me the way I want them too.  This really works!  I feel it has alot to do with attitude.

    I've done spells on people that were bothering me, but what you put out ALWAYS comes back to you, so, the spells consisted of not revenge but teaching that person a lesson.  I have always learned a tough, heart rending lesson myself when performing this kind of Magik.

  3. I put the Cherry Spell on my spouse and now she bakes cherry cakes, cherry pies and cherry muffins once a week.  

  4. spels that worked -

    a spell to open someones mind

    a spell to keep someone away

    a tulpa spell

    from a post modern mystic

  5. I have had the "Sit a Spell" work for me.

  6. - Good luck spell for my friend.

    - Eye Glamour spell. (Don't be haters, people!)

    - Spell to enhance creativity/imagination (really proves useful when writing my novel, etc..)

    or, you know, feel free to send me a message. :)

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