
Whats that thing in the sky this morning

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I'm a little scared. I awoke this morning and found the sky to be a strange colour. It's the same colour as shallow water. Also, there is this round yellow thing in the sky. What's happening out there.




  1. same problem here in yorkshire its all black

    and the rs loads of water falling from the sky

  2. dark clouds here in England :)

  3. Aliens, aaaahhh!!!

    Just kidding, I don't know what that could be maybe some sort of astrological event...

  4. You came out. 6 more weeks of summer.

    That's probably only funny to Americans LOL

  5. Its still greyed out here, I'm gonna have to lose the shades

    Haz I cant even give mine away, you got no chance of swapping. Keep dreaming of biscuits, only 22 days to go......

    Freya you're on lol, I'm packing as we speak :)

  6. Nothing yellow and round in the sky above me in the north of England.  The rain is relentless and we have had severe weather warnings.

  7. We are going to have snow tomorrow.....just light falls.

    Spring is 3 weeks away where I am....

    Haz & Steph.... Pop your kids over here, I'll have them till Christmas.

    They would love it here!

  8. just clouds and more clouds here. It's getting me down.

  9. Go out and watch. North America is having a meteor shower.

  10. Don't get too excited, it was like that here earlier, now it's raining again!

  11. it's a kite, it's a plane, no it's superman.

  12. the clouds < the shallow water

    sun < yellow round thing

  13. I swear Wirral could be invaded by a malevolent Alien Nation and we wouldn't know because of the PERMANENT BLOODY DRIZZLE.

    If anyone wants  two kids I'll be prepared to swap them for a packet of Boasters.

    EDIT-Freya...are you sure?I fear a combination of mine and Steph's kids would have you tearing your hair out! Mine never shut up and I'm sort of guessing Steph's don't either ;-)

    Steph-Right I'm off to Costco to get an industrial sized pack of bring the coffee :-)

  14. Don't know, it's the usual grey wet sky here.

  15. LOL!! This does remind me of something I heard on the news a month or so ago. Apparently a bloke in South Wales dialled 999 because he'd seen this large, pale yellow object in the sky and it didn't appear to be moving. He was scared because he didn't know what it was.

    Guess what? It turned out to be the Moon! Can I get some of what he's smoking please...?

    This was on Radio 4 news, so it must be true...

    Tell you what, there ain't a "round yellow thing" in the sky here - it's been p*ssing it down since about midnight and it's only set to get heavier! Sitting on the patio, obviously getting thorougly drowned, is my INCREDIBLY stupid cat! I'm sure cats get stupider as they get older (he's 16) because I'm certain he wasn't this daft when he was younger (he was 4 or 5 when I rescued him from the Blue Cross - he was a stray, so I don't really know how old he is). He's just sitting there, staring down the lawn! F*ckwitted feline!  

  16. The sun was beaming here up until I answered your now It looks like it's going to p**s buckets....

  17. You are in the wrong movie, here in London we're all doing "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" - at least I think we are.  My postman is walking like a zombie this morning holding an empty bag and saying things like, "good morning, how are you".   This is not normal.  I don't think it's him anymore, the thing has taken over his mind.  What happened to the grunt noise he usually makes for a greeting?

    Be afraid, very afraid. . . .

  18. Get out and enjoy it, your summer has arrived.  It does not last long, so enjoy it while you can.

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