
Whats the .1 % germ killers can't kill?

by  |  earlier

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On the spray can or whatever it says it can kill 99.9% of germs. Whats the .1% it doesnt kill?




  1. ugly!

  2. maybe the undescovered 1's. i also agree with the guy who mentioned the "sue" part.

  3. Bacteria constantly mutates, therefore it is impossible to kill all of them. This is why in many countries (like Germany) anti-bacterial soap is banned except when it is actually needed (in the hospitals, etc).

    What happens is that by killing 99.9% of bacteria you allow the random chance of the bacteria with the immunity against whatever anti-bacterial agent used to survive and multiply beyond the small numbers (because now they have no competition), so when you actually get ill the bacteria is already immune to the whatever this was.

    This is also a reason why if you start anti-bacterial treatment, you should always finish the whole course, and not stop half way through once you feel a little better.

  4. They say that so the company can't get sued if anything survives.  

  5. Maybe some germ that will cause a global epidemic. =p

    And perhaps it would be false advertisment if whenever you try the spray,its 100% clean. It depends on other things as wlel of course.

  6. Chuck Norris bacteria.

  7. actually it only kills 80% of germs.....and the other 10% of unkillable germs are probualy SUPER GERMS!!!! fighting and protecting it's germ population...undeafetable!!!


  8. It's just a safety precaution. So that way they can tell people who get sick from bacteria or something when they were using there product on everything they use, they can just mark them off saying that they must have been unlucky to be affected by that .1% of germs left over. Like i said, it's just a lawsuit safety precaution.

  9. LOL

  10. they only say that so no one sues them if not all of the germs come off

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