
Whats the Best Thing to do After High School?

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HI!im 17 and a senior in high school

well i have couple of things i want to do after high school.i just don't kno wat to do!!!.....first one is either stay in New york With my annoying *** momz.....or go to Miami where ma future gurll waits for me...i get to dorm with ma cousin which hez 26 party animal and all...but if i go to maimi....i wont b able to go to college couse im not a florida resident..i just want to go to a community college.....

BUt if i stay in new york ill go to a law school to become a NYPD cop

man its too much wat should i do?




  1. go to college get an education that is your future.NY girls are way hotter than Miami girls. NY girls have the sweetest accents and hottest bods

  2. I agree with all of the above really, but I have my own personal opinion.

    I am 17 years old, I graduated High School in GA when I was 16. Yes you think that is exciting but no, its really not.  Actually its kind of boring.  I cannot find a job anywhere, getting into a college Yeaaa right.  I really wish I was back in NY thats my home town and I miss it so d**n much enjoy being there...

    Like you, I thought when I graduated high school I would move in with this guy in Tampa FL who was waiting for me and stay with a few friends.... Well guess how that worked out...... IT DIDN'T....

    People move on, things happen, and life comes at you hard and fast.  My senior year went by so quick omg Now i'm stuck doing nothing. Its very difficult.  

    Here is my advice to you,

    If you really want to get out of your moms house,

    1.) Keep your grades up your senior year. Participate in school in any extra curricular activities or sports.. It may sound nerdy, but no its not! Every college application asks for this stuff. Do it! I wish I did..

    2.) Take your SAT/ACT and score decent. CC don't require high scores but it makes your application more speedy, and do so before NOVEMBER of your senior year.

    3.)Start applying to colleges immediately.  It takes a long time to actually get into a college regardless of how many people say its easy, ITS NOT! They look into all kinds of stuff! Work on that immediately!!! Its very important, and beneficial... Especially if you are into making a lot of money..

    4.)Show up to your classes daily, DON'T SKIP! You may think your slick and they don't keep track, but heres the facts, THEY DO! (I screwed myself over doing this). Also kiss your teachers ***, YOU NEED THEM! Their recommendations are everything! Start that a month or 2 after you start senior year!

    5.) Trust No ONE!  This is the year people start to change, they start doing other things because either they are going someone in life, or they simply are not..... The people you meet now, will most likely not be a big part of your life within the next couple years. But also in the mean time, Make the most of your senior year!

    6.) I have family that are NYPD cops, its a dangerous job, and you don't go to law school for this.... You can simply go to a police academy. Most people however go to a CC for a basic degree to get higher ranks and more trust. Also because you have to be a certain age to do some real stuff.

    7.) If you want to know more you can simply email me or something not sure how that works.


    And Remember, Girls, We come and go..... Were every where and guys are every where. We change our mind a lot. Most likely this girl is just a piece of meat and you won't really be able to deal with her. Its a totally different game when you live with people or near them because you see the true colors of them!

    Like before Good Luck and best wishes!

  3. First, get out the house.  If you think your mom is annoying, get out.  Go live on your own, even if it's elsewhere in NY.

    Second, never follow a girl out of state.  You are going to change WAY too much in the next few years to be tied to some chick.  Same goes for her.

    Third, don't even think about law school yet. It's way too far in the future, and besides, you don't need it to be a cop.  

    If all you want to do is go to a CC, then stay in NY, get a job, get an apartment, and go to school.  Don't dorm with your cousin, unless you're thinking about moving to Miami for the rest of your life.  You will have no problem finding party animals between the ages of 17 and 26, no matter where you go.  Trust me.

    And fourth, party it up!! You're young, and if you want to live young, do it.  Just don't do anything that goes on a permanent record.  And definitely go to college (and work at it once you're there)...not only will it benefit you for the decades and decades left in your life, but it's pretty much the best place to find parties, women, and future jobs. And spelling tips.

  4. The best thing that you should do is go to college. It is a priority in these days.  

  5. You go to law school after college to become a lawyer, not a cop. For that, you go to the police academy. You do have CUNY to go to. You can get an excellent education there.

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