
Whats the Cost to have baby at Johns Hopkins Hospital and what is thje requirements need togo to that Hospita

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Whats the Cost to have baby at Johns Hopkins Hospital and what is the requirements need to go to that Hospital when you are not living there, do i have to get an American Insurance




  1. I live right down the street from JHH.  It is not the best place to give birth. There is actually better hospitals in the immediate area.  Having a child in america is very expensive unless your an illegal immigrant then you get it for free (which is some BS.) But if you dont live in America (which I am assuming you dont) they will not let you/your wife come to America if you/her are so far along (we dont want u having babies here and having them be US Citizens)

  2. Your OB (doctor) should be affiliated with the hospital and have delivery rights there. i have no idea how much it costs, depends on whether it's vaginal or c-section. call the hospital to find out.  You must have insurance (yes, american) or you will be liable for a huge bill -- could be upwards of $45,000 if you have a c-section.  

  3. Johns Hopkins Hospital !!??

    You probably need to have 2 sets of insurance, a credit score above 800 and probably something for collateral, like your house.....

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