
Whats the EASIEST(legal) way to get enough money for martial arts lessons for like the next 2+ years??

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i would really like a way that takes up as litttle effort as possible lol, but im willinng to do anything for the money




  1. Work. If you don't have the drive to do that you will never be able to get anywhere in any good martial art school.

    Edit- I don't know what answer you want. The only reliable way I know to earn money (legally) is to get a job and work. No one is just going to give you money, unless it is your parents. Don't be snotty because nobody can tell you something that doesn't exist.

  2. sell your car and ride the bus

  3. well most are not THAT expensive so i would say a job :) my instructor offered work around the dojo (cleaning up ect.) for kids who did not have the money in return for lessons

  4. If you want easy..and little effort..martial arts isn't for would be wasting some poor instructors for money maybe panhandling  or begging is best suited for you. perhaps you should just stay on the couch...

  5. The easiest is by working. Odds jobs will do if you are not of legal age.

    There is no easy (legal) way to make money, making money takes effort and energy.

    good luck!

  6. first it depends on what your lessons are going to cost. I had one class that cost around $40-45/month. Collecting soda cans would have paid for it.

    I've had another class that cost $60 for the first lesson. I quit that one because it cost more than my job could afford.  Part of doing well in martial arts is having physical endurance - the ability to work for long periods, the ability to heal from injury - which comes with a solid diet; strength, which comes from manual labor like digging, cement work or unloading boxes at a grocery, and agility, which comes from jobs like being a waiter, bar tender, skyscraper welder, or Alaskan fisher.

    most of these jobs pay a bloody fortune compared to minimum wages, and you would be able to take martial arts when you have off hours or vacations.

  7. Since you are not old enough to get a regular job you might consider mowing lawns. That and doing odd jobs is a good way for someone under age to make some money.

    I started my martial arts training when I was 13 with money i earned mowing yards.

    Hope that helps

  8. Same way you'd get money for anything else.

    This isn't really a martial arts question.

    You'd have better odds at a decent answer in the finance section.

    Tell them your age, your situation, how much you need in how much time and see if somebody can come up with a plan for you.

  9. Why not find a dojo that needs help and offer to work for lessons

  10. I second Martial Arts Freak..

    A ton of dojos are willing to work with you price wise and will let you do things like clean up the dojo, wipe down the mats, and the like in exchange for lessons.

    Find a school that will let you do that and you are made in the shade.

  11. Work doesn't mean that you have to have a JOB.   If you are not old enough for a normal job, then start looking for other ways.  Mowing lawns, babysitting, Chores, ext.  make it know to your parents that you are willing to do whatever is needed to be able to learn MA.  Prove to them that you mean business and will do well at it.

    If you try hard enough, then you will be able to make it happen.

    You could walk the streets and pick up cans to recycle.  Just dont expect handouts.  Life takes work.

  12. Getting a job.

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