
Whats the Funniest Thing You Have Ever Said In Your Sleep?

by  |  earlier

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Mine would probably have to be...

JAIME! You peed the bed!

And then I flinched a bunch of times and scooted over to the edge of the bed, stopped for a minute and got up and walked into their spare bedroom and slept there for the rest of the night. I woke up the next morning and walked into Jaime's room and asked her why I was in the spare bedroom when I fell asleep in her room. She told me the whole thing and I couldn't stop laughing!

(Btww...Jaime, my best friend, did not pee the bed...I dont knoww why I said that.)




  1. it was the night of my birthday party and i got this present called penny racers where you put pennys in the back of toy cars and that night i told my parents i swallowed a penny racer when i was sleepwalking they were freaking out and told me in the morning

    there was also another time when i came into my parents room and they asked me what my name was and i said cindy when it was really nathan and they told me in the morning but the weird thing was i remember the whole thing happening like i was half sleep walking and half awake and i have no idea why i said that though probably because i watched a show with a girl named cindy in it that night.

    i have actually said a lot of stuff like that.

  2. Mine would have to be one night my boyfriend woke me saying that I was hitting myself in the head pretty hard. Apparently I had been yelling to an imaginary man to stop putting spiders in my hair. And I was hitting my head to kill the spiders that were already in my hair. I had the biggest headache the next morning and didn't remember a thing. lol!!!

  3. Where's the bananas?

  4. i said '' MOVE ASIDE!!'' in my sleep... i dunno why..i was sleeping alone

  5. Mine was when I was out in the living room naked bending down towards the ground killing stink bugs with a shoe.  At least that is what I was told.

  6. I wouldn't know. I live alone.

  7. Screamed out the word ******.  

  8. i think i swore in my sleep once...haha

    it was a quickie dream about me stepping into a huge pile of worms. don't ask lol

  9. "catch that seal !"

  10. Apparantly I was once swearing my head off and insulting everyone at the top of my lungs in my sleep. That was hard to explain.

  11. i dont talk in my sleep...i dnt think so anyway...lolx

  12. I dream about one mean black pull dog tried to bite my leg and I kicked and hitted until this dog left to other room and one stranger woman came to me and asked me if I could describe what this dog look like and I was said while i was sleep, "I saw a mean black with big sharp teeth that staring to me, and this dog looked so mean dog and so angry". lol then few seconds later i woke up and my mom and brother looked at me laughed that i talked while sleep... :P






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