
Whats the Worst Injury you've sustained playing Hockey??

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Whats the Worst Injury you've sustained playing Hockey??




  1. I took a shot to the nuts a few times, one time made me puke and pass out.  I also collected 3 concussions before I stopped playing in 9th grade.

  2. I broke my tailbone on the ice when I was a very little kid (I do not believe I was playing hockey at the time).  I bunny-hopped, landed too hard on my heels, and my feet flew in the air, over my head.  

    I have broke my coccyx multiple times since then...not all of them being on the ice.  I guess I am pretty good at breaking bones.  I have a broken wrist right now. lol.

    Liters:  Oh, my dear.  I figured that you are the mastermind behind the Anheuser-Busch purchase, pumpkin.  First, Labatt's and now the entire company.  Next, we'll see you take over Miller, because I KNOW how you LOVE Milwaukee's Best and all watered-down American beer.

  3. Dislocated my shoulder, broke my collar bone, but tearing my ACL did it in for me, that was pretty much the downfall of me playing competetive hockey.  

    The worst injury i ever sustained was torn ligaments in my neck from going on one of the rides that spin really  fast (it was a giant octopus) at the county fair, my neck turned almost all the way around, i couldnt hold my neck up.  i was hospitalized for 5 days, i laugh at it now since it was a kiddy ride

  4. I shattered my knee cap some dude drove his should in it

  5. Broke my neck - had major surgery, was lucky to survive.  Got hit from behind too, ended my career unfortunately at age 19.

  6. I got hit in the nutz in my highschool gym class. I was down for the count.

  7. The butt-end of a stick went into my butt-end...literally.   I never felt so violated and am still going for therapy because of it today...

  8. I play in the boys leauge and I got checked into the post and got a concussion. =]

  9. I once had this happen to me...

  10. Torn Calf while i tried 2 block a shot

  11. sliding face first into a hockey post, gettin a concussion, and breakin my nose, now i hav the pole shape indented into my cage, i was in the hospital for a day

  12. Haley...............had you not brought all that Widmer and Bud Light to the cabin...........I wouldn't have had to slap you on the wrist...........with the way that wrist broke so need to replace your beer with milk......milk does the body good!

  13. I dove out on my stomach for a poke check ,and as I knocked the puck away my D-man and the guy chasing the puck both fell to the ice and barreled into my head. This caused me to bend over backwards, and my head touched my but(butt-head). I ended up slipping 3 disks in my back on that one.

    #2. 7 medical staples in my scalp, from being jumped at a practice from one of my defense-man.

    P.S returned that favor with a Easton Aluminum to his head 3 days later and gave him some stitches of his own. Jr. A was a fun time!!!!

    #3. These are not all my teeth..LOL!!! 25 broken noses and 7 concussions. Being a brick wall took it's toll on a brotha!!!

    IceMAn: Ribs are the WORST. I ended up wearing lacross rib pads under my chest protector after 4 ribs went.

  14. a concusion

  15. Had a finger severed via skate blade...had it reattached but it's pretty obvious it just doesn't look right.

    Beyond least two concussions, several broken ribs, and an ACL tear.

    Worth it?  d**n right.

  16. I've had tons, but there is a tie for the worst...

    I had my wrist skated over (long story, scrum in the corner, glove knocked off, etc). Blood everywhere, pretty scary stuff.

    Broken Sternum and 3 ribs. Most painful injury, hands down, couldn't breathe right or sleep right for 4 months. It's still not the same.

    J-O-: Noses are no good either, I got my so messed up it bleeds when I sneeze LOL.

  17. Broke four fingers on one hand all at the same time.. and in a very painful way!

    Injured  my spine and couldn't really walk for days!

    Broke my nose when a speeding puck hit it!

    Thank god I had no injuries to the head or nothing life threatening!

  18. this is me it hurt so bad.

  19. Concussion.

    Pretty embarrassing moment too. The puck went behind the net and I was going full speed and was taking a tight turn around the net, but had my eyes on the puck, not the net. I skated full speed into the post. I guess the net came up on both sides pretty high, but they didn't stop play because the other team had the puck or whatever. I got right up busted my @$$ to the other end of the ice and blocked a shot. I didn't get it checked out until after the year was over and I was still getting headaches, turns out I played a little under half the year with a concussion.

  20. I have only four words to say...... Always Wear Your Cup.

    and like Forest Gump... that's all I have to say about that.

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