
Whats the amount of time you had braces?

by  |  earlier

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i had my braces in for a year and i want to know what the longest amount of time that anyone has had them for was.




  1. 2 1/2 years it sucked.  

  2. ive had mine for about 1 1/2 years so far. But im not even close to being done. I have probably about another year.

    If your wondering the longest, my best friend had them for 6 years.

    Good luck with your treatment

  3. almost 3 years - that's more than long enough for me! :p

  4. had invisaline for about a year. Really helped

  5. I've had mine for 7 months now,

    I still have them.

  6. i still have them...1 year 3 months.;...

  7. 3 1/2 years - I slacked on wearing the accessories they told me to wear in addition to the braces. Do what your Orthodontist says and you will get them off in less than 2 years most definitely.

  8. I had mine for a year and a half. You usually have them for 1-4 years, though some people have had them longer, because they lost their insurance and couldn't get them off. Hopefully that wont happen to you :]

  9. 2 years. it varies based on how bad your teeth are messed up. the norm time is two years.

  10. Ive allways worn my trouser braces, since i was 12, still have them on today and im 102, so I guess its all down to you.

  11. I have them in too just under a year. I thought mine would be on about 2 years but Ive heard people having them in for 5 or 6  

  12. I had mine in for 2 years and now I have a retainer which I have to wear at night.  

  13. about three years.

  14. so far three and i might have them for 4 : [

  15. I had mine for 2 and a half years my teeth were really bad i had five teeth removed also my friend had hers in for four years and my sister had them in for 1 year then a few years later a year again and her teeth have gone back even though shes worn the retainer but shes had children and that does affect and soften the gums.

    They should stay the same if you keep on wearing the retainer :)

  16. i had mine in for 2 years  

  17. I can tell you that I wore fixed braces for one year. Afterwards I was fitted in for retainers.

    I'm currently on the retainers and I have been wearing them for four years.

    I hope everything works out for you. Take care always.

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