
Whats the answer?

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if the happening were to happen when would this happening happen, and why would it happen if it ever happens.




  1. That are two questions in one:

    1. It will happen, when it it is about to happen.

    2. It will happen, because it is happening.

  2. this will happen, when you are in the wrong place in a wrong people doing wrong things getting wrong knowledge and going wrong way in a wrong time................

  3. IF it were to happen, there would be no way to predict when, where or why.  

    The Happening was just a movie, however, so I wouldn't worry about it too much.

  4. it would happen when the happening occurs and causes the happen to be happening. The happen would become the happening and happen at the same time the happening does. why? Well it would happen if there's a happening in the first place that affects the our happening making it a happening going to happen

  5. It happened yesterday. Why ask why? Everyone else was wondering where you were. Somebody said that you were probably busy medling in esoteric philosophical ramblings again.

  6. It would happen at any TIME.

    TIME is all what matters.

    so you hav to calculate the speed of a substance from that point to know when it is happening.(definition of time).

  7. i am happy to say it happens to be mere happenstance.

  8. it will never happen

  9. I happen to know that answer. For 10 pts,  I'll tell you tomorrow when it happens.

  10. I'll assume you are referring to a current movie.  This makes your question actually make sense rather than being a meaningless mumble.  And the answer is impossible to say.  Biological defense mechanisms arise by random mutation and natural selection.  Just because a need exists does not mean a solution will be produced.  Life on earth faces a mass extinction due to human production of greenhouse gasses.  It would be helpful for them to evolve an anti-human defense, but again, that is strictly an affair of chance.

  11. UM........................ huh?

  12. If a woodchuck could chuck wood.....

    It's all based in probability theory.
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