
Whats the appropriate age for your kids to start watching family guy?

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And what about the simpsons? I want to see what other peoples tv ages are.




  1. My son started watching this around 12..(he will be 13 next week)

    I personally hate this show, but he thinks it's hilarious.

    I sometimes think the content of this show is inappropriate, and sometimes I tell him to turn it off.  

    Am I a bad parent for letting him watch this show?..depends on who you ask, but if this is the WORSE thing going on in his life at 13, then we are both doing pretty well.

  2. family guy is rated tv14 so you have to be 14

    and the simpsons is rated pg so i'd think a kid should be able to watch it at any age

  3. Haha when they move out for family guy!!!

    simpsons.... i'd say fifteen/sixteen

  4. lol my kids have been watching simpsons since they were babies! Theres nothing wrong with the simpsons whatsoever and even if they crack a joke that may seem to be inappropriate, they dont understand! As for family guy, thats a diff story and id wait til they were about 10-12

  5. Family Guy = 14

    Simpsons= baby

  6. i would say like 10 for simpsons and maybe12 13ish for family guy although my little sis watches fam guy with me and shes only 9! lol i dont think family guy is apropriate for small kids but simpsons i dont really think is bad

  7. No parent sould let thier kid  watch that show, but just stop caring that they are when they are 14 or 15

  8. Family Guy would be fourteen. I think The Simpsons would be 7.

  9. Honestly, like "Amanda H" said, IF they are old enough to find it funny enough to want to watch it, then you might as well let them, because that means they understand it. They will find the same topics in many other places, not just on tv.

    I dont think theres any particular age, some might be able to watch it at 10, others at 15, some never. Is about being open minded and being able not take everything you see on TV (not just Family Guy) seriously. There are commercials that are far worse, not to mention soup operas, music, etc. You cant censor everything, you cant control what he hears and see 24/7, so you might as well sit with him and watch it.  

    Comedy has entered a new age, where it is more comfortable talking about diversity. Family Guy, and many of the comedies out there use all kinds of discriminatory jokes. I personally think is a step forward that we can all get together and laugh. I myself am not a US citizen, only an a permanent resident, and im able to watch the show and not feel insulted by any of their jokes. Also the creator doesn't seem to take sides for what i seen, he doesn't discriminate when it comes to discriminating.

    I think the world is too uptight and is finally loosening up.

  10. eh, my 7 year old watches that show *shrugs*.  he knows the difference between real life and tv.  It hasn't phased him one bit.

  11. I grew up watching the Simpson's! But Family Guy is just a stupid show, it teaches nothing good to any age ESPEACIALY young kids. Listen to the theme song! The show is highly inappropriate, and I don't even let my 17, 15, OR 7 year old watch it. I don't even watch it! So basicly Simpson's= o.k 7-100 :)     Family Guy= gross 18- what ever age group.  

  12. I think that kids should not watch it until they understand that it is not real.  Kids have a thing where they like to copy off of movies and tv shows that they see.  That is why I put that stipulation on that.

  13. I'd say watch Simpson's before, as some has stuff inappropriate, so I'd say 8 or 9 with you watching it, or 12-13 alone. Family Guy, I'd NEVER let my kids watch, they can watch it while they're moving out.

  14. My 3yr old and 5yr old daughters love the Simpsons (their favourite is Lisa thankfully) but there is no way they will be watching The Family Guy that one is definitely not appropriate, We won't even let our 12 &15 yr olds (my step daughters) watch it. it's just not right.

  15. How about age 100? Both of those TV programs are crude- there is no need to watch them.

    I don't watch them and my daughter is not allowed to, either. We also don't watch Spongebob Squarepants. If you must watch TV, I say find something better.

    *Edit- apparently I've stepped on some My thought is even if your kids aren't old enough to understand the crude jokes, they may be old enough to absorb and repeat them. Do you really want that garbage going into your kids minds and coming out of their mouths?  So what if my opinion is different than yours? You raise your kids, I'll raise mine.

  16. Well it shouldn't really be a problem 10 or older

  17. It depends if they are repeating bad stuff from those shows or if they are using the bad language from it... Other wise as long as there is no bad behavior you are find... I would say soon as long as there are no problems... Maybe watch it with them.  

  18. Futurama - Pretty much any age

    Simpsons - Maybe at least 7 or 8

    American Dad - 13

    Family Guy - 13

    South Park - Definitely 14 or over

    Well, as soon as I found how humorous the Simpsons was, I started watching it every night on FOX8, and when Futurama started airing afterwards, I became hooked on that too. But then Family Guy started airing commercials that it was starting on FOX8 right after Futurama. I thought it was gonna be another animated kids show, but boy was I wrong.

    So I got curious and watched a bit (I was I think 10 at the time), and after I started repeating some of the quotes (VERY BAD IDEA), my parents were floored and forbade me to watch it until I moved out. Thank goodness they softened a bit and let me watch it as soon as I turned 12. This may have only been though because I was very mature for my age and understood many of the jokes. If you let a kid under 10 watch it, they may not understand the jokes but will understand the deplorable violence in many episodes. I didn't understand a few of the jokes when I first watched it either, but I look at my DVDs today and think, "How on Earth do they get away with this kind of rudeness on TV?".

    Most episodes of Family Guy may not be the worst of your troubles. For example the FOX show American Dad is not always rude, but many episodes have just horrible crude sexual references, for example a teenage boy getting large b*****s as a side efect from steroids, the main character discovering and becoming hooked on masturbation when he's 40... etc. It's made by the same people who make Family Guy, so you can't be surprised.

    And South Park... South Park can get away with almost anything. One character speaks with all his lines muffled, and he can get away with dropping the F Bomb quite distinguishably on television. Sure they may seem like cute little fourth graders, but in reality, the show is worse than Family Guy. You watch 10 minutes of the movie and you will be floored with the language they use.

    So it all depends on the kid. If you think your kid can take it, let them watch it, but they might not get it. However, keep a few limits - You don't want them repeating everything Cartman says to their 10 year old friends.

  19. about stewie's age

  20. there is nothing appropriate about the shows, so there should be no appropriate age. But i'd say 12-13

  21. Well older than 12 but if they like it when even younger i dont think it is a problem as long as they know that it is just tv not real life. It really isent a bad show. it is just funny. And if they get most of the stuff on there and lafh than i dont think you have to worrie beacuse they already know it is just a joke and ovestly they understand it.

  22. Their both adult cartoons in my opinion. Family Guy isn't anything for kids to watch for sure.  

  23. Around 12-13 years old.

  24. Wow.

    I'm not a mother, but I've been watching both Family Guy and Simpsons since I was really young and I'm 16 now.

    I'm a great student, virgin, and respect my parents.

    It's just a show meant for enjoyment and if you people have teenagers who you don't allow to watch it, seriously. I'm not trying to offend, but I don't understand. Why?

    If they don't see it from FG or Simpsons, they're going to hear it on the street, at school, with friends.  

  25. I would wait until they are in highschool.

  26. As a mother I would say that I pray that my daughter or future children never find shows or humor like that entertaining at any point in their lives.

    Simpsons are not as bad I would say 12 or 13.

  27. in my opinion i really dont think it matters. the things they talk about young kids dont understand and by the time they are old enough to understand they are old enough to watch

  28. 14 or 15

  29. You would actually allow your children to watch such garbage???

  30. no younger than 16 for family guy. 13ish for simpsons

  31. The Simpsons is a lot more "tame" than Family Guy--very few curse words and not very many adult situations. Therefore, I would allow my kid to watch The Simpsons at 11/12 but not Family Guy until 13/14.

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