
Whats the average American families power requirements in a single day?

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im thinking about putting up solar panels on our family home . i was wondering what setup i would need. 200 watts off energy every day isnt going to sustain a house based on the assumption that the average american family uses .... 30 kw of energy in a single day (average DO NOT quote this)




  1. Well you can figure it out yourself pretty closely if you wish to do a little  math.  Im pretty drunk, but basically add up your wattage of all your appliances.  1000w= 1kw.  the meters read in kw/ hours. 24 hours in a day, and get your average.  My families house is quite large and wasteful, which I can comment on positively at all, since I am "green" and definitely have my own thoughts on the enviroment.  A good "safe" guess would be 3000 watt of constant use.  

    Have you thought of windpower? Much better if you can have it in your area.  Lasts longer, and runs 24 hours a day.  I would guess you need 6000 watts of solar panels, or a 3kw wind generator.  Althought numbers look blurry at this point haha.

    GO GREEN!  Help out all the wasteful and polluting people!

  2. Solar is a system, not just panels.  My house uses 300Kw a month.  To use solar I need a new refrigerator and LED lights.  Then I need a different stove, mine's electric, so a gas stove.  I need to re-wire all my out-lets, so when leaving a room, one flip turns all off.  If I do all this and can live on 200Kw a month, solar then makes sense.

  3. Start by cutting your power useage to a minimum.   Those CFL's everyone hates?   Those are a must at least, if not LED's.   Propane is your friend too- frige, heat, stove.    Its a total lifestyle change unless you stay hooked up to the grid and just sell the power back to the power company which is much easier.

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