
Whats the average number of s*x partners a women will have in a life time, I have a theory please read!!!!!!!!

by Guest64065  |  earlier

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ok I think that some women are very permisquis, but for the most part women are conservative. They don't give a lot of guys there phone number and when they do they hardly respond to calls. Women in general also tend to wait a certain amount of time before they sleep with a guy, and when a women says shes enjoying being single from my experience she is not talking about having a whole bunch of casual s*x, she is refering to going out to bars and clubs while some nimrod buys her a drinks, however she usually goes home alone. So how can women be having s*x a lot if all they do is reject guys from every angle? so I was wondering what some of you ladies think of this theory and what do you think is the average amount of s*x partners a modern female has in a lifetime, from your experiences and your friends?




  1. I am a guy and I live in India so I can not answer your question.

    I am also quite sure that none of the feminist women on this forum will ever give you a direct answer.

    So I pick a number, a learned guess.  It will be around 12.

  2. You're not even out of high school yet.  Why would anybody know, or care, how many partners the average woman has in a lifetime?  Think you'll get lucky eventually?

    "Promiscuous."  You don't get points in the real world for creative spelling, but the rest isn't too bad.

  3. Quality vs quantity for women.

    Those single women could have a steady "f*ck buddy" (like an ex bf), and have no interest in the multitude of men that hit on them.

    Having a whole bunch of casual s*x doesn't mean having s*x with 5 guys in one week..She could be having quality NSA with a steady f*ck buddy every week, so why would she need to have s*x with other guys that hit on her?

    All I know is that I need to be attracted to the person or at least trust them (knowing that they're STD free and reliable) , so if I'm not attracted to the guys that hit on me..why on earth should I have casual s*x with them?

    Unfortunately, some guys don't understand this. They think that just because I will have casual s*x with one guy means that I will do it with them too.

  4. I don't think that number will ever be known.  Why?  Because I think that people in general have a way of not telling the right hand what the left hand is doing...and they also have a way of giving answers that they think the questioner wants to hear.  So there are no guarantees as to how honest the person is truly being.  Most professionals in the psychology or sexology field will tell you this.

    There are men and women alike who are not always forthright about how many partners they've had when asked. Generally, men tend to play up their numbers, and women tend to play down their numbers.  Why? Because neither one wants to be put down or judged.  Men get put down as being "unmanly" if they have few partners, and women get criticized as being "promiscuous" if their numbers are perceived as "too high" by someone else.  

    As for my own experiences, I've had more s*x partners than the Virgin Mary and fewer than Madonna. lol.

  5. I think women are different.  Some women don't have a problem with casual s*x.   Other's do.   I don't think you can equate quantity with quality. Quality is different for every woman.  To me its an emotional and intimacy that two people share along with a satisfying sexual relationship.  


    To be honest I have not asked my friends how many s*x partners they have had.   I didn't figure we were keeping score or it was any of my business.

  6. Woman don't care about s*x that much because they are too busy carrying around periods and busy with it and can't have s*x at certain amounts of time which gives her tolerance to hold out of s*x good.

  7. Everyone is different. I have friends who were young adults in the seventies and they had WAY more partners than I had, or will ever have. Most women do not engage in casual s*x these days unless they are older and know how to be pleased and are not afraid of giving instructions. Most young women who have many partners have self esteem issues and/or poor or no male role models. Some have even been molested. Unfortunately, some women feel that all they have to offer and how they are expected to interact with men is through s*x. Look at what popular culture tells women. For someone who does not have a healthy image of herself or poor male role models, this is what she feels is expected. I don't think an average could be accurate as so many different aspects may influence the final count.

  8. anywhere from 15-50 and beyond. It depends on the girl. Women don't reject "guys from every angle" just the ugly ones, like me for example.

  9. When I was young I rejected very few men.  I tended to assume that men who asked me out wanted s*x, so i didn't go out with them unless I also wanted s*x.  I found repelling unwanted sexual advances an embarrassing thing to have to do, and prefered not to put myself in a situation where it was likely to happen.

    I suppose I had about 27 or 28 sexual partners between the age of 17-25.  During the period when my husband and I were divorced I had another 3.  Call it 30 in round numbers.

  10. Very true. Playing hard to get can get her only so many.

  11. Your theory could well be right about some women. Other women will have a different approach and outlook.

    Women are individuals, not some generic job lot that will all do the exact same thing in the exact same circumstance.

    That's what being a person means.

    Cheers :-)

  12. I think the average is 10 for a woman. They usually need to get involved with at least that many before they find the right guy.

  13. what's the AVERAGE a (i'm assuming we're only talking about heterosexuals) man has? unless those men are all ******* other men it's going to be about the same

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