
Whats the average size p***s for 14 year olds?????

by  |  earlier

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Mines about 5 inch when soft and about 6 inch when hard. Is that big small or average???




  1. it's neither big nor small. it's just your p***s.


  2. there is no average for a 14 year old.  5-6" is the average for a grown man.  Anything bigger is of course, above normal.  Your p***s may grow more, but no one can say how big it will get.


  3. dudde player chill mines like 17 inches just kidding

  4. Uh im 14 mines like idk 9827 inches floppy and ***** like 23452 soo yeah ur wayyyyyyyy behind pace kid GROW UP

  5. what the h**l does a 14 year old do with a p***s anyway. if its big enough to **** then whats the problem

  6. well im 15 and my p***s is a measly 4.5inches hard and a monstorous 2inches soft.  (sarcastic).  ur one lucky guy.  it really sucks having a tic tac as a d**k.  well not a tic tac but you get the point

  7. 6 inches,while errect -  Is the average size for the p***s of a completely grown Male. so your only 14, still growing. Right now you are set, you could stay that size & still be perfectly average, anything bigger than what you already god is "just icing on the cake" so your set bro.

  8. Mine was 3" (hard) at 14!  It stopped growing when I was 19.  I have it 1.5" soft and 4.8" hard.  

    Mine is small, yours is pretty big!!

  9. The ‘average’ length of an erect adult p***s is about 6".

    It’s worth remembering that the average adult p***s is 'designed' to fit the average depth of the adult v****a which is also about 6".

    There is no normal or average size for a soft/flaccid p***s because they vary enormously. Some guys ‘shrink’ a lot more than others when soft. You can NEVER judge how big a guy will be when he is erect from his soft p***s size.

    The ‘average’ girth of an erect adult p***s, that is the distance AROUND the p***s measured at the thickest point, is about 5". Anywhere between 4.7” and 5.2” is normal.

    Most p***s growth happens between the ages of 12 and 16 with a subsequent slower rate of growth until the age of 17 or 18. Sometimes up till about 24 or 25yo.

    Approximate lengths for under 18’s are:

    At the beginning of puberty 2.4”

    12 to 13 ....... 3.0" to 4.0”

    14 to 15 ....... 4.0" to 5.0”

    16 to 17 ....... 5.0" to 6.0”

    To convert to cm, just multiply the number in inches by 2.54cm. For example, 5 X 2.54 = 12.7 So a 5" p***s is 12.7cm

  10. Average for 14 is about 8 or 9 inches, Hang in there

  11. You're fine dude. Don't quote your "soft" number -- you've probably noticed "soft" length varies quite a bit, right? I.e., from almost non-existent to, at most, close to 5 inches (for a guy with a 6 inch).

    6 inches is dead on normal for an adult. You're fine. Stop thinking about it. It's perfectly average.

  12. 4-8 inches

  13. 12-13 inches

  14. 150 Millimeters - You do rest of the math work

  15. bro thats rly big for 14... i broke up with my gf in 8th grade cause i didnt wanna get to where she would see how small mine was haha. mines like 6 erect now, and im 17.

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