
Whats the average wage for a 14yr working 7hrs on a Saturday in a shop,U.K only please?

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Whats the average wage for a 14yr working 7hrs on a Saturday in a shop,U.K only please?




  1. you should at least be getting around 4.25 an hour, check with your local C A B office,

  2. Unfortunately the minimum wage only applies to people aged 16 or over, so employers can pay you whatever they like (not a great way to encourage young people to work, in my opinion).  

    The minimum wage in the UK is as follows:

        Ã¢Â€Â¢ £5.52 per hour for workers aged 22 years and older

        Ã¢Â€Â¢ £4.60 per hour for workers aged 18-21 inclusive

        Ã¢Â€Â¢ £3.40 per hour for all workers under the age of 18, who are no longer of compulsory school age.

    14 is the minimum age you are allowed to start working part time. You may only do what is called 'light work' and you must not work:

        Ã¢Â€Â¢ before 7am and after 7pm

        Ã¢Â€Â¢ during school hours

        Ã¢Â€Â¢ more than two hours on a school day

        Ã¢Â€Â¢ more than one hour before school starts

        Ã¢Â€Â¢ more than two hours on a Sunday

        Ã¢Â€Â¢ more than 5 hours on a Saturday or on any day during the school holidays

    In addition to this, you are not allowed to work in the following areas:

        Ã¢Â€Â¢ in commercial kitchens

        Ã¢Â€Â¢ in cinemas, theatres and night clubs

        Ã¢Â€Â¢ collecting money door to door

        Ã¢Â€Â¢ delivering milk in glass containers

        Ã¢Â€Â¢ betting shops

        Ã¢Â€Â¢ petrol stations

        Ã¢Â€Â¢ scrap metal sales

        Ã¢Â€Â¢ street trading (though some local authorities do allow children of 14 to be employed by their parents in street trading)

        Ã¢Â€Â¢ performing abroad (without a specific licence from a justice of the peace)

    There is a statutory rest break of one hour for young people who work for 4 hours or more. You will have to have a two week break from work during a period in the year when you are not required to attend school (schools holidays).

    As you are under 16 you do not have to pay national insurance contributions and you will not have to pay income tax unless you earn over £4,195 a year. When you are no longer of compulsory school age, you can work full time.

  3. they shouldnt be working until 16

  4. i dont think you are supposed to work if you are under 16. therefore it is possible you are not protected by law (minimum wage etc...) seek help from Citizen Advice Bureau

  5. your emplyer is ligible to pay as much as he want....your rights of min pay will come into effect till your 16. oh i would although expect 20 or 30 pounds

  6. i'm not sure you'd be able to work in a shop as you need a national insurance number.

  7. i dont think 14 yr olds can work for seven hours a day, and i think the minimum pay is around £2.65 p/h

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