
Whats the benefits of Honors English?

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I'm taking honors english next year

whats the benefits?




  1. You will be challenged.

    In my experience, placement in Honors English has been by recommendation only (i.e., you cannot simply elect it).  The teacher will compose a curriculum designed for a select group deemed capable of dealing effectively with materials which an average group would not handle well; conversely, the curriculum of a "regular" English class would provide no challenge for students of exceptional ability.  Those students would breeze through and end up with a high grade, but wouldn't learn much.  Remember...we are talking about becoming (more) educated (than you were before).

  2. Rigor, relevance and exposure to research methods to produce quality results on written exams.  You'll be exposed to a greater deal of literary writings and expected to complete more in depth projects.

  3. Sometimes schools offer an extra grade point for Honors classes (C counts as a B, B counts as an A, A counts for an extra point so you can get over a 4.0). Also, it will lead you into AP English, which can count for college credits and save you some time and money during college, so you don't have to take Freshman English (if you score well on the AP test). Even better, Honors English has more interesting books, assignments, teachers, and people. No more sitting in a room full of people who hate English and don't want to be there!

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