
Whats the best British country?

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Well im from Scotland so obv im goig to say that but what do use think?




  1. Sorry destiny but this person CAN say that England is better than Wales. I'm english but realy like scotland too.

  2. England XD stuck in wales ATM though sheep, castles,  mountains and farms woo fun

  3. i'd say England, because thats where i have grown up.

    but my Grandad was Scottish, and so i do like Scotland a lot :-)

    i've only ever been to N.Ireland whe i was young and don't remeber it, so i can't really comment on that

    and when i went to Wales, well, i wasn't made to feel very welcome by some of the locals, but i've only ever been to a  few places there so can't comment on the whole country

  4. Well...

    I think all of Great Britain has it's charme.... One can not say for example : England is "better" than Scottland or Wales.... Each part of the U.K. has it's own beauty!!!

    London is great... but so is Edingburg !!! Smile!!

    Send you all my love from Germany.... Annette****

  5. For me Wales hands down. It's ssoo beautiful in the valleys of South Wales.

  6. Northern Ireland has its good bits but Scotland has all that NI has to offer without the rabid bigotry nor does it have the violence of England. So Scotland for me.

  7. I prefer England.

    I had a very bad experience in Dundee, so that's tainted my entire opinion of the country. Perhaps not massively fair, but it's not somewhere I plan on returning to anytime soon

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