
Whats the best about germany??????

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Whats the best about germany??????




  1. haha the food is the best here so is the bakery, the feast, the clothes, and they also have beautiful castles and ancient places.

    ((fyi-i lived in germany for like... 6 yrs))

  2. The food, esp bakery. Here's a nice website that will give you some ideas:

  3. The driving, hands-down.  Driving in the U.S., then going to Germany and driving there (as a German, adhering to German law and driving style) is like a breath of fresh air after being stuck in a room full of idiots lighting farts.  If you've ever driven extensively in both countries and can compare the two, you'll know why I say that.

    The scenery is a close second (I say it's #2 after the driving, because if Germans drove like Americans, you'd never be able to reach any of the scenic destinations in Germany and therefore never get to appreciate them).  Germany's got no shortage of fascinating, unique, and lovely places to see, even in just one tiny corner of the country.

    The food is a close third.  German grocery stores aren't too expensive and they've got far more variety, not to mention better quality, products of every type.  I tie in German wine in the "food" category (beer, too, except that I don't care for beer).  German wines and brandies, particularly in the Rheingau and Mosel areas, are second to none.

    There are many other great things about Germany, which would take too long to list without ending up with an e-book on your hands...

    EDIT:  To correct Marta's earlier answer; it's "Autobahn", not "Autobond".

  4. The beer and food are great. The scenery is beautiful too. The Autobond... "smart cars"... chocolate...German punk H&M every few blocks in Berlin... so many to pick from!

  5. Like everyone else said, they have good food.  Germany has the most varieties of bread in the world.  Beer, goes without saying.  Also, most people have health insurance here, not like in the USA where a lot of people are uninsured.  The outdoor swimming pools are very good, too.

  6. The two years I spent there I loved the scenery, food, beer, and women - not necessarily in that order.

    If you can, go south to the Alpine regions. It's great.

  7. im gonna tell you this friend EVERYTHING is good

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