
Whats the best advice you can give?

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To all the older people out there: what's the best advice you can give to a young adult (myself: 15) who has the rest of their life ahead of them? this can be concerning anything: s*x, drugs, whatever. THANK YOU :D




  1. You can only give the gift of yourself ONCE...make sure its to the person you want to spend the rest of your life with!!

  2. Be yourself. I don't care if it's not trendy or in or whatever. If people stare that's their problem. Don't run with the crowd because if you do then who's to separate you from the girl next to you?

    Don't have s*x. I have a friend who just recently became pregnant, the father doesn't care, she's 18. It's too much to think about.

    Get involved. The programs that I've gotten involved in over the years has made me feel accomplished and gained me lots of great friends and memories.

    Do something random. Scream at the top of you lungs in public because you're in love, go run around with your friends and play tag, rock out with your hairbrush in your room to your favorite song. Feel that ecstasy?

    That's called life.

  3. Stay away from drugs, you'll do something stupid that you will regret if you do drugs or drink alcohol. Don't drink underage, it isn't good for you because your brain isn't fully developed.  The first time you have s*x make sure that it is someone who you have been with for a while and who you love. Just make wise decisions and complete your education.

  4. Don't regret anything.  Life's too short for that.  You will make mistakes, it's just up to you to learn from them.

  5. Saying yes one time doesn't automatically mean you have to ever again.

    It's easier though. Once you break the ice, everything following it won't seem like a big deal.

    Like s*x for the first time, getting drunk, failing a test.

    So if you do it once or twice or five times, you don't ever have to do it again if you do not want to.

    Oh, and try your best to show people you are responsible.

    Everybody! You never know when you will run into somebody later. A future boss who over heard your drunken story or a friend of your parents.

    Oh, and you don't have to prove anything to older kids, because honestly, they don't care anyways.

    Be nice to people.

    Seriously, it gets you really far in life, even if it takes you a long time to realize it has.

    Hope I helped.

  6. Don't do drugs, don't drink, don't have s*x until you're married, do good in school, be nice to people, have fun, don't break the law.


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