
Whats the best alternitive to using a compressed can of air? ?

by  |  earlier

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Second question following my last, cleaning out the pc, now i know how but i do not currently have a can of compressed air in my posession lol Whats the best alternitive?




  1. I presume you are trying to clean dust of the internal parts of your PC. In which case use a paint brush, not an artist type but something like a half inch decorating paint brush.

  2. Try a blow dryer.  I know you are not to use a vacuum.  

  3. hi mate

             air duster or compressed air is the best option however they can be very expensive and difficult to buy locally

            as a alternative try using a low voltage hoover,however be careful when cleaning the inside of the pc case as not to damage or loosen any small parts or capacitors

             i personally use either a soft clean paint brush or a pastry brush and use this to clean such areas as the heatsink and cpu fan,plus its a excellent and safe way of cleaning add-on cards such as graphic cards and n.i.c(network interface cards)

              for smaller areas that need cleaning you can try using a model air compresser,these are a better alternative to compressed can air and can be used more precisely

              in a nutshell theres lots of household implements that can be used for the cleaning of your p.c,however rememeber "no solvents" and "no liquids"

             any problems let me know

                      good luck mate !

  4. A pressure washer, just make sure it's dry before you switch it on...

  5. I presume that you are talking of cleaning the keyboard.  If that is the case, you can carefully remove the screws on the back (after you disconnect it from the "tower"), and then with a small brush, much like a woman uses to apply make-up, lightly brush any dust particles out of the printed circuit board and the back of the keys.  I use a light clean rag (washcloth) to clean the front of the keys and the front of the keyboard using a light spray mist of a spray kitchen cleanser. I like to use the new Clorox Brand "Green Worksits itr is "easy" on plastics and cuts any dirt and grease left by your fingers. Then as easily as you disassembled the unit replace the screws being sure that you tighten them snug and evenly around the unit.  To tighten them too tight could warp the unit or strip the threads.

  6. Depends upon what you mean by cleaning your PC.  If you're cleaning internally, I'd stay away from compressed air unless you're very careful. You run the risk of damaging your CPU due to the the freezing temperatures and liquid condensation most will produce.

    One safer alternative would be to use a lens cleaning blower with attached brush (keep it for the computer though, you won't want to use it on a delicate lens afterwards).  This allows you to both brush and use 'gentle' puffs of room temperature air.

  7. Vacuum cleaner. Or a good puff!

  8. wait until you get your compressed air :P

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