
Whats the best assult rifle?

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i know of the m16, ak 47, and m4 to name a few but what are some new or old ones that can out perform these




  1. You missed the FAL, G3, M14 and H&K 416 just to add a few more. A bunch of bullpup designs out there to but I personally don't like them much.

  2. I'd have to say a M-14 or something in 7.62.

  3. step away from the assault weapons and upgrade to a battle rifle

    Big 4 are

    M-14 *civilan model called the m1A springfield


    H&K G3

    AR-10, the AR-15/M-16's big brother

  4. Best for what?

    The Springfield M1A in Super Match grade is the most common rifle I've seen at actual DCM competitions.

  5. The m16 kicks *** in my opnion, but if your looking for a good gun, I'd go with a MP5, I know it's a submachince gun but d**n it rocks!

  6. If you want a great assault rifle with lots of punch you can't go wrong with a Heckler & Koch model 91 in .308 caliber aka the 7.62 NATO round. If you want to shoot a lot of ammo then choose the model 93 that shoots the less expensive .223 aka 5.56 NATO round either one will do nicely.  Here is a link to their website: The M-16 and AK 47 are limited in range with the AK-47 it's not very accurate beyond 150 yards and the same can be said for M-16 now let's talk about the H&K 91, has an effective range out to 800yds do you see the improvement there? HK 93 is around 300 to 400 yards again big improvement

  7. On a modern battlefield at short range the AK-47 has the advantages until it comes to ranges over 200-250 yards then the US M16 has the accuracy but suffers from weak knockdown but it's big uncle takes over in accuracy and hitting power the US M-14

  8. please do not fall into the word trap, they are not assault rifles!

    if you want cheap, go with the ak47

    if you want accurate, go with the ar15

  9. SKS, AR-15 M1, BAR

  10. German designs are very good. The G36 and its variants are excellent conventional rifles. But bullpups are gaining popularity. The L85 of the UK is very nice. And the AUG and FAMAS are both nice too.

    But personally I'll take the old M14 or G3.

  11. The AK47 is without a doubt way more reliable then the ARs The AR are more accurate at LONG RANGE. Seeing that most urban warfare the shooting is almost always at 25 meters and less I for one would go with the AK47. By the way I have sold the two ARs I had and now have 4 AK47s. That should tell you what one i'd bet my life on

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