
Whats the best brad of cigarettes? are men and womens cigarettes different? whats menthol?

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me and my wife want to try smoking. i know - i know. its stupid. but, my mother always used to ride my *** about smoking cause my dad smoked, and i never even tried one but always wanted to just cause. my wife has never smoked either, although she smoked weed when she was in college. she's less enthusiastic than i am, but is willing to give it a try. i figured, i'd get us each one pack - try out being a smoker for that one pack - and then be dome with it.

but there are alot of kinds. i've heard camels are heavy, but malboro advertises itself as kind of heavy too. what about light cigarettes - i don't drink light beer, and i always figured that if i were to only have 1 beer ever, it wouldn't be a light one. with a light cigarette, you get the full flavor and experience? what about womens cigarettes? she we smoke different brands? whats menthol and hows it different? what about parliment - alot of people smoke them - are they good? what about newport?

thanks for any help - and please don't judge me. you know how often i get c**p from people cause of this plan? i'm an adult - its my right to smoke if i want, and its not forever.




  1. Menthol cigarettes are, i think, better than normal ones.

    You should try menthols. Get one pack of menthols and share them with your wife.

    But, i still have to say it, smoking is stupid, i've been addicted for like 6 years now, and it's so difficult to even get the motivation to stop when there are no immediate effects on your health... But I'm still trying.

  2. Basically the best brand of cigarettes is whichever one you get addicted to. Marlboro lights seem to be quite popular, but they're more expensive than the crappier brands.

    If you're going to start smoking, you're going to end up addicted and it'll cost you a lot of money. If you learn how to roll your own cigarettes though, you'll spend far less.

    As far as I know, there's no such thing as 'women's' cigarettes. And menthols are kind of like smoking a cough sweet, they make your breath smell better, but they're not for everyone.

    If you go through with this then try to limit the amount you smoke per day. And I know you don't want to be judged, but I guarantee you will regret this at some point.

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