
Whats the best canoe to use as a beginner?

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I live right beside the sea, and i noticed some types people use are like completely open, i think is this kayak?

I`m not a good swimmer, as i had quite an accident in a pool when i was 3 years old, but i have tried canoeing before, under proffessional instruction and it was the type were your legs are in tight and the opening had a tight cover all round me.

Thanks for your help.




  1. A canoe is paddled with a single blade, a kayak with a double blade. A canoe is paddled kneeling or stitting. A kayak is paddled sitting. Either boat can be open or closed. Water conditions and skill level will detemine the correct/safe choice of craft. A kayak requires considerable gear while a canoe can be very simple. Swimming  ability is not required but you must be comfortable in water and use a PFD. Being able to swim is a good idea especially from a safety concern. Do not boat alone! Visit a book shop or your library and read up on 'small watercraft'.

  2. A kayak is usually a one person boatm, can be two. A kayak is easier because you dont need to use teamwork to get where you are going. it is also more manueverable than a canoe. Canoeing by yourself is very hard. I would get a canoe only if you will go out with more than one person. Otherwise it is pointless and hard to steer. I have both a kayak and a canoe, and i use the kayak because i like the feel of it. Since you live near the ocean, i don't think canoeing is the best idea. There are canoes with a pole along side of them taht help them balance in the ocean, but i would use an ocean kayak. Ocean kayaks are open and you just sit on top. THey are open because if a wave knocks you over, you can get out. If you are considering buying one, go to a store and ask the clerk which one he thinks is best.

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