
Whats the best chicken incubator

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Whats the best chicken incubator




  1. i agree with mada.andy. i bought one in jan and i've used it with chicken and duck eggs and had good hatches with both. the auto turner is a must though :) good luck

  2. An oven.  350 for 45 minutes works

  3. I have had great results with a Brinsea Octogon. I only have the small model,but there are several larger sizes.

  4. Well i have just bought a hovabator incubator with auto turner for chicken and duck eggs. I have been told that it is better for chicken eggs but people have a lot of success with ducks (and other eggs) with it too. I will keep you posted when mine arrives if you like. The other place to ask is they ae very helpful. With lots of advice and experience. Good luck.

  5. They aren't the absolute best incubators out there but I second the Hovabator suggestion.  I have used them successfully with chicken, turkey, guineas and peafowl (peacocks).  

    My only concern is that they are hard to disinfect...

  6. a brood hen

  7. a mother hen

  8. i think you have already had the best answer i could give, good luck!

  9. I highly reccemmend the

    Little Giant Still Air Incubator. Its great to have expecially if you are a beginner on having chickens, ducks,ect. I have used my incubator for a couple of years and I have had so many chickens and decided to try something different.

    They are light weight, easy to set up, and hold 50 large/medium eggs and 100 small eggs. It includes a thermometer, humidity/water rings, and a temperature gadge to set the appropriate tempurature.  

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