
Whats the best citys to live in for skiing/snowboarding U.S?

by Guest44867  |  earlier

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i am leaning towds salt had some of the best skiing i ever expirenced and i have skiied all over the world and even lived in montana.only problem with salt lake is what i hear about the mormons!




  1. I can give you some insights here. I moved to Salt Lake 6 years ago for the same reasons you are thinking: the snow is better here than anywhere else in the world! Feel free to contact me through my profile if you want more info.

    1. The mormon thing: not too big of a deal. Salt Lake City itself is pretty diverse. Not Vegas by any means, but there is a pretty good cross-section of humanity there! The suburbs less so. And they don't really bother you. We have some mormon friends. Just don't talk religion much.

    2. If you have kids, the education system is weak here, and as they get older (teens) the mormon kids won't want to be friends with non-mormon kids. Unfortunate.

    If your main priority is skiing, SLC is probably your best option.

    There are drawbacks:

    1. Highly Republican state. SLC less so (voters usually choose Democratic mayors).

    2. The air quality in the valley sucks horribly. But if you live outside the valley the commute to the skiing is terrible.

    I have skied in most other places, and the snow and terrain here are about the best in the world. Jackson Hole might be an option...but probably not much to do for work up there. Missoula might be an option. I am considering that if I go back to school....but I don't think the skiing is fantastic. Lake Tahoe. Good terrain, but wet coast powder.

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