
Whats the best class to add for sniper in call of duty i wanna know whats the best way to improve sniper?

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Whats the best class to add for sniper in call of duty i wanna know whats the best way to improve sniper?




  1. Umm i think the best sniper is the M40A3 or something like that, as for customizations, just camoflauge, ACOG does no good with the sniper, in my opinion.

  2. If you have any of the gold weapons then those will be good in the custom classes!  =D

  3. well if you are begging in sniping then the m40 with claymores stopping power and iron longs or deeper impact.

    the classes i use are the R700 with banndiler, stopping power, and iron longs

    M40 acog banndiler stopping power steady aim.

    hope this helped

  4. ok, well depends what level you are. if you are lvl 55 then great! you have all the sniper rifles. not to brag, but i am a sniper expert, thats all i do, ive never touched an assault rifle or any other gun except the mp5 and of course the pistols. ok, i personally like the dragunov and R700. i have the golden dragunov so i use that alot. here are my favorite classes:

    class 1:

    Golden Dragunov

    Overkill (Redtgr Mp5)


    Deep impact (only cause sometimes i can kill 2 ppl at once, or get lucky and get headshots through the wall)

    class 2:

    Red Tiger R700

    same thing as the dragunov just with the r700.

    class 3: my favorite :D

    Golden Dragunov

    overkill (R700)

    Extreme conditioning (incase someone finds you, you dont have a pistol so gotta run fast!)

    Bandolier (youll never run outta bullets)

    Notice none of my classes have stopping power, its because you are supposed to get headshots anyways, so why need extra damage. then  you ask what if they have juggernaut? then dont kill them, it takes 3 headshots from a barret to take down someone with jugg.

    hope this helped!

  5. In my experience, you need to play with a sniper class for quite a while to improve your skills. To start off with I'd recommend this class:


    Smoke grenade

    Claymores * 2

    Stopping Power

    Iron Lungs

    How to practise:

    The Dragunov is quite unreliable in terms of damage, even with Stopping Power on. This encourages you to aim for the head whenever you can, whic is what you should be doing. Also, it is semi-automatic, but try not to spray; it should be a handycap to missing your shots and should allow you to quickly snipe down groups of people.

    Here are some general tips for sniping (in a TDM game):

    -Find a high position where you can view as much as possible of the map, but make sure you mix up the spots so they have to keep guessing where you'll be. There is nothing wrong with camping, people only complain because they're too lazy to kill the people who are camping or are too impatient to camp themselves.

    -When you've fired off a shot, quickly unscope and then scope again. This allows you to wait for the rifle to settle from the recoil while viewing everything in front of you without tunnel vision.

    -Get a good idea of where the crosshair should be if somebody is running across. It will vary depending on your lag, but I usually shoot just when their outline is in front of the crosshair.

    -Try sniping aggressively with a bolt-action sniper (that is, don't camp and actively move around to look for the enemy). This should improve your reactions as it did with me, and will make shooting while camping so much easier.

    And finally:

    Play against good people. Find a public clan server with skilled players or join a clan. Playing good people is just like sniping aggressively, except you have no control over the pressure.

    Oh, and also you use a sensitivity value that you are comfortable with. Fast enough to turn 180 degrees easily, yet steady enough to quickly pop a headshot.

    P.S I'm assuming you're referring to Call of Duty 4.

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