
Whats the best cream/oil to use for stretch marks???????

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Hi i am 5 weeks and 2 days pregnant.. Whats the best cream/oil to use to help stop getting stretch marks ( i know if your gonna get them you will ) Just want some advice on women who have been there and used a cream/oil and had worked for them...




  1. BIO  OIL

    just make sure you use it like it says i was tryin to get rid of mine from my first now im just using it to keep from gettin any more

    but it works :) they get smoother and all :)

    good luck



  2. unfortunately in this case, the pricey ones are the oil etc, have a look in the chemist, in the  section for skin care

  3. I am 21 weeks and use Bio Oil at night and cocoa butter in the morning, so far so good.

  4. yep... BIO OIL

  5. Marks & spencer

  6. bio-oil!! deffo

  7. Well i used Bio Oil when I was preg.with my son and it worked brilliant up until i was 30weeks plus then i started to get them but its nothing to complain about really.

    Your true nothing really works to stop you getting them completly but i stil think it does help.

    Congrats on the baby news,and dont worry all the stretch marks in the world is worth holding your baby for the first time.


  8. baby oil or some unscented hand lotions VASOLINE has some good ones out there that i use every day - cheap but good  

  9. bio oil

  10. bio oil is good my cuz used it for her stretch marks and after the second bottle her marks were like 80% better.

    and also pure vitamin E, thats good for any marks, makes them much lighter.

  11. e45?

  12. Bio-oil is best. Works brilliantly!

  13. I like the coco butter!

  14. coco butter. duh. I didn't know you got stretch marks when you just gained weight. I have them from going through puberty. Oh well. Whenever I see myself packing I'll know to go and get some coco butter. It's good for your mother

  15. Vitamin E oil is very beneficial for the skin.  You can get the capsules at any pharmacy department, just poke a hole in them and squeeze out the oil.  It's cheaper than buying a bottle of the oil.

    Here's some other info I found that might help you:

    Drink plenty of water. Adequate hydration keeps your skin soft and less likely to develop stretch marks. Caffeine can increase your risk of stretch marks. If you're stuck on your caffeinated coffee or tea, make sure you balance the fluids. Drink just as much—or more—water as you drink coffee, tea, or soda. Stretch marks can also result from nutritional deficiency. Be sure to consume foods that promote skin health: foods rich in zinc, such as nuts or fish; foods high in vitamins A and C, such as carrots and citrus fruits and milk; protein-rich foods, such as eggs.

  16. palmer's cocoa butter is awesome, also if you want to go to the derm and get a prescription for retin a it works wonders not only on acne, but stretch marks as well. it fills in the those lines.  

  17. I used Palmer's Cocoa butter with my first right after I got out of the shower and was spared the horrible stretch marks some Mommy's get on their bellies; just have a few on my hips. Now that I am preggo with our second child, I have been using Jergans Maternity lotion (purple bottle); it absorbs faster than cocoa butter and smells alot nicer...I didn't like smelling like a walking hershey's bar. But there are so many good lotions out there it's so hard to choose. Stick with a thicker one that says it has "emollients" in it. The severity of your stretch marks all depends on the amount of weight you gain over the next 9 months....gain what the doctors recommend but slowly. If you gain weight too fast the elastin fibers in your skin breaks causing stretch marks. But, if you gain it slowly, like the docs say, it will allow your skin to stretch slowly. I am 17 weeks along, and so far no new stretch marks have been seen. But in reality, every woman has stretch marks...I don't really mind them because most lighten over time. Now, if they could come up with a non- surgical remedy for cellulite, saggy b***s, and poochy belly skin....I would be a happy girl!!!  

  18. to avoid them i dont think anything works as i used them while was pregnant and still got them but think bio oil meant to be good 2 get rid of them

  19. i started using bio oil a week ago but this is for a scar... Its supposed to be the best for stretch marks but there is also cocoa butter from stretch marks which is less expensive but im not sure if its as good x

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