
Whats the best credit card for those with poor credit?

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Due to a recent divorce, my credit rating is poor. I'd like to improve it without getting raked over the coals in massive interest payments. Whats the best credit card for someone with a poor credit score?




  1. Guest57334

    When i could not face my Debt any more, my son was on hospital bed for surgery that involve huge money and i also needed some money to refinance and get a good home then i have to seeks for Assistance from friends and when there was no hope any more i decide to go online to seek a loan and i find Kumaresan Kahlil Loan Investment Company ( with 3% interest Rate and applied immediately with my details as directed. Within seven Days of my application he wired my loan amount with No hidden charges and i could take care of my son medical bills, Renew my rent bill and pay off my debt. I will advice every loan seeker to contact Kumaresan Kahlil Loan Investment Company For easy and safe Transaction.

  2. here is a list of credit cards for people with poor credit

    this is the best one...

    Continental Finance Gold MasterCard®

  3. I would suggest going to your own bank and explaining the situation. Ask for a low limit. $500. And pay it off every month. The interest is likely to be much lower than if you search online for a card. They can be quite pricey and not easy to get either.

    After you make your payments your credit rating will begin to improve. Then you can get a higher credit limit if you can afford it.

  4. I keep on hearing that Orchand bank is good at giving credit cards to people with bad credit. You limit might be small initially but if you pay your bills on time, it'll increase with your credit score. I found the following site that has some cards listed for people with bad credit. See the bottom of the site first for the Orchard bank card.

  5. I suppose that depends on how poor you're talking about. There are some prepaid cards that report to the credit reporting agencies that will help you re-establish your credit.

  6. Major credit card issuers like Discover, American Express and Chase offer a credit card for bad credit holders. A 'shopping' card offers you an unsecured line of credit from specific sellers. Use these cards to increase your credit rating, since the credit bureaus will be informed about your timely payments.

    Take care to ensure your credit is good by making intelligent credit choices. Keep low balances, do not be extravagant and take care to pay off your balances promptly every month.  

  7. Capitol One...they are great.

  8. Try Orchard Bank. They work with people with past credit problems

  9. Any card can help..just don't crazy spending with it once you are approved.

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