
Whats the best currency to get USD, EUR, GBP?

by Guest32385  |  earlier

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Say I was going to Asia, Europe, UK and other countries nearby and converted my Australian dollars to one of these currencies onto a card with no conversion fees, but uses visa exchange rate on the day if I do need to convert it. What currency would be best to get. Considering the card last 3 years. ATM withdraws will be in the cards currency its loaded in which is 3USD, 1.5GBP, or 2.5EUR.




  1. Euros! used almost everywhere in Europe and some parts of Asia . Though for asia Id try and get some USDs as they are more prominent.

  2. Id go with EUR because their economy is getting better daily

  3. I thought that the country you are in when you used the ATM, paid out in there currency

  4. You better go with Euro.  The dollar is decreasing very quickly, if you haven't heard.  Stores in NYC are now excepting Euro

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