
Whats the best dog to get for someone with a low engery and who is elderly ?

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whats the best dog she wants a dog for company after she lost her husband she wants a full grown dog




  1. Adopt an older shelter dog, one who is already house trained and whose temperament is predictable.  A puppy would be a bad idea.  Some people have been suggesting herding breeds (corgi), that's the LAST thing you need to look for.

  2. a small schnauzer is perfect for your age!!!!!!! they are also really cute!

  3. An adult shih tzu or lhasa is about as mellow of an adult dog you can find.  Try taking this quick quiz and it'll tell you the best match.

    Good luck!

  4. definitly get a full grown dog so it wont be as hyper as a puppy. you should go to the shelter. there is always an older dog who needs a home in a shelter. my gran found an older dog that the family had to give up becuase they got an apartment and couldnt keep it. plus rescueing it would make her even closer to it.

  5. Go to the shelter and get her a senior dog. It'll be good for her and you'll be giving a dog a second chance.

  6. id say probably a poodle or a bichon maybe a daschund.

  7. seeing eye dog

  8. Dogs vary much more from individual to individual than from breed to breed.  Since you're looking for a full grown dog, the best thing you can do is go to a local animal shelter and meet the dogs there.  If you see a dog that you like, pet it, play with it, and be sure to ask the staff about it.  Just because it seems calm at the moment doesn't mean it's always a calm dog.  It could be worn out from running around and barking all day.  Most of all, don't rush into it.  Take your time and be sure to find the dog that's right for you.

  9. 1) A Pug should be quite good they are very playful, outgoing and affectionate but does not require too much exercise.

    2) Pomeranian are good looking like a little teddy bear, these perky little dogs will bring a smile to any face, although they can be noisy,

    3)Greyhound although large in size and contrary to popular belief, these gentle, sweet-natured dogs do not require much exercise and are quite content to laze most of the day away. The docile, low-energy adults can make particularly good pets for elderly owners who want a "big" dog.

    4)The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a popular pick even for most dog lovers as they're gentle pets that require minimal exercise only. This breed is known for their patience and relaxed personality which makes them good companions for elders. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is very loyal to its owner.


    Hope this helps.

  10. A springer spaniel. That's what i have and thier so calm and cute! If you get a really calm one like i have i think she would love it

  11. Dachshunds are great for elderly people. Very loving dogs who love attention. Very people friendly!

  12. Beagles are nut bars! They are instinctively hunters and love to howl/bark.

    What do you mean by "full grown"? A large dog? Try a lab or retreiver. They are gentle, docile, calm, but very strong.

    Logically, if she is old and not very active, she should get a small dog, like the ones people seem to always carry in their purses: Pomeranians, mini Poodles, rat terriers, Pug, Boston Terrier, Papillon, etc.

  13. definatly a terrier, we have a border/cairn/jack russell teriier cross and shes not fussed about going on walks she would sleep all day if you let her and she loves comfort, seriously if theres a sock accidentally on the floor she will lie on it, so shes a good lap dog.also a very beatiful cute dog.

  14. Generally speaking, the bigger and bulkier the dog is, the more low energy it is. St.Bernard, Newfoundlands, Mastiffs etc. But they drool.

    I've heard stories about retired Greyhounds being couch potatoes, but don't know for sure.

    Go to PetFinder and click senior when asked for the age.

    I heard a story that bears repeating. A NY photographer who lived in a apartment and constantly  traveled, had his heart set on a Border Collie. It took years before he found one that was suitable for his life style, but he did. Granted, it had no interest whatsoever in herding and was around 7 or 8 years old, but it worked. The dog became a couch potato immediately and was happy to spend the remainder of its days looking out the window and eating the top of the line dog food.

    I'd have the person make a list of her favorite breeds and then contact breeders and see if they have one that is no longer able to be bred or does not fit the temperament standard. If she's willing to take her time, I bet she'd find one.

    Another option would be to contact an animal behaviorist or a Purebred Dog Rescue in her area, tell them what she specifically wants, even down to the color of the nails and the shape of its ears and see what they suggest.

  15. a hot dog

  16. I think the best thing to do would be to have her go to the animal shelter and get an adult or elderly dog.She can judge the dog while there to see if it is high strung or not plus save a dog that will most likely not be adopted (because everyone wants babies!)

  17. I would definetly recommend a maltese they are very mellow dogs. i have one, but also they are very playfum when you want thm to be but are mostly relaxed until you want to play with them

  18. Maltese are ideal but need a lot of grooming but you don't end up with fur all over the place. They are happy just being with you. Grooming done daily while on you lap is it no big hassle. Chihuahuas are great and the short hair variety don't need much in the way of grooming. They are often very much one person dogs, very good guard( as in alerting you when someone is around)dogs, are happy sitting on your lap or shoulder, can go everywhere with you in a carry bag and don't cost an arm and a leg to feed. If you have grand children coming and going (particularly little ones) then a King Charles Cav. is ideal but once again need grooming. They do seems to suffer from "selective" hearing but are recognised as the best breed to have with young children, and they love everyone. Other breeds worth looking at are Shiatsu, Brishon.

  19. A Welch Corgi!!

    They are kind of expensive but WONDERFUL little dogs :]

  20. thats almost impossible becuz all dogs use alot of energy and need to play its thier common nature!!!!!!!!! but i would suggest a dog thats already trained or a ca cats are loyal loving companias in fact my cat is on my lap right now! :)

  21. A basset hound, an older beagle or pug.  Maybe a doxie-mix.  greyhounds are a little on the bigger side, but they are VERY mellow and couch potato dogs, as are the others I mentioned-  once they are beyond puppy age by a year or two.

    Stay away from ANY terriers or terrier mixes, or the little breeds like pomeranians, poodles etc.  They stay high energy well into old age.

  22. A Maltese. They are great for older people.

  23. There are programs for adopting retired working dogs, such as seeing eye dogs or companions for the ill. They are often trained to do specific tasks, and are very smart and gentle.  

    Not sure where you are, but it seems there should be places like these in major areas:

  24. go to a pet store and ask them what type of dog would be good for that type of persone.


    This quiz is perfect for what you need to find.

    My elderly neighbor has a mini dachshund and I definitely don't reccomend them.

  26. I think she should try her local rescue and inquire about adopting an older dog.  She may find a cute mixed breed even who is calm and just wants a companion to love back.

    A rescue would have dogs in foster homes, and would know their temperment.  They can help her choose a calm dog that fits her lifestyle.

  27. weiner dog

  28. Search Petfinder!

    I guarantee that you will find the pooch you're looking for. I can't recommend any particular breed because it's not the breed that matters in this case, but its personality, size, exercise needs, et cetera. So, put in what info you can (location, age, size, that sort of stuff), and browse your options. Just keep your eyes peeled for a small, well-mannered couch potato of an adult!

  29. a cat.  or a mix dog from a shelter

  30. i would probably say a Daschund or a Pug,Beagle,Schnauzer (Miniature or Standard),Shih-Tzu,Pomeranian and a grey hound

  31. a beagle? or get an older dog that likes to cuddle

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