
Whats the best dream youve ever had?

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Whats the best dream youve ever had?




  1. when i fly

  2. Whenever I have dreams of my mom (she passed on a couple of years ago). I don't even mind the ones where we're arguing with each It's just nice to be able to talk to her every now and then.

  3. My best dream ever was about the world coming to an end and I had to save it(I failed)

  4. I dreamt that I went to a concert with a girl from work.  At the concert, we met up with my sister and my wife (who was a stranger in the dream).  I ended up spending the entire evening with my wife and I forgot all about the other girl.

  5. i was walking down a road and saw this boy in a park and he wanted me to come sit with him and i did. he kissed me and we just started making out and i realised it was my bf. i fell asleep in his arms. i didnt know i was dreaming

    my boyfriend lives 250 miles from me and i dont see him too often so my dream was just as good as visiting him.

  6. I'm a great fan of "lucid dreams", i.e. dreams where you actually know you're dreaming, and can then structure the dream in any way you wish.  You can fly anywhere and visit anyone, and do many amazing things, as your creativity suggests.

    I don't have them that often, unfortunately, but always try to use them to meet with wise beings, and visit distant stars and the like, so as to learn new things and have pleasant adventures, when i do  :))

  7. my dream date asked me out

    i lluv them kinda dreams......................

  8. My Best Dream during my child hood and when I saw a dream showing I can Fly over my celing fan in the room/

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