
Whats the best eyeshadow for dark brown eyes?

by  |  earlier

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i have dark brown eyes, brown hair and a neutral skin tone, i like to wear makeup, and i was just wondering.....Whats the best eyeshadow for dark brown eyes?




  1. same features here, i suggest gold or electric blue or dark purple. smokey eyes are a classic.

  2. Black or blue. Also siver and black are a good mix.

  3. Purple eyeshadow will really make your eyes stand out. Almay has little package kits for your eye color, which contains eye shadow, eye liner, and mascara to compliment your own eye color? It's nice and affordable, and has great quality.  

  4. a nice light peach would be nice

  5. eggplant (purple-ish) color & broze/golden  

  6. Purple, gold, or navy eyeshadow would help your eyes stand out!

    I have brown eyes too, I like to wear navy eyeliner with gold eyeshadow.

  7. i heard that green and purple eyeshadows make brown eyes stand out. :)

  8. umh i think you should try a light golden spark brown cause i have dark brown eyes too and i think it looks good also i got it at MAC the color is called retrospeck :]

  9. let me tel u something i have blue eyes but i always wish i had brown and  to tell the truth the brown eyes are great without nothing on becuz i feel brown eyes is naturally eye lined but the other like mine blue and green nope !!

  10. gold or light blue that will look sooooooooooooooo good

  11. the best thing about having brown eyes is that you can get away with any eyeshadow color and it will still look good on you. so match eyeshadow with your outfit or go for something bold and unexpected.

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