
Whats the best final fantasy game! for ps2 tho

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i m collectin and guess i wanna noe




  1. the best one in my opinion was 12.10 was too short and easy and 10 2 was way too girly for me to play  

  2. All around is FFX.

    Fanboys its FF7 maybe FF8.

    FFXII is a new style needing an aquired taste.

    Just work your way up from the start and you'll learn to love the storylines :)

  3. Well thers only 3 ( well 6 if you include the fact you can play PSX games)

    my favourite (and best of all time) is X, great story, pretty easy game mechanics, memorable charchters, and pretty open leveling up system.

    XII had better grpahics and the in-map encouters and gambits were great, howeverr the story was thin, balthier was only okay charchter (and Vaan was outright annoying). and i can only rmebr Rabanastre, but could list all the towns in X.

  4. For me VII was the first Final Fantasy game (and one of the first RPGS) I ever played so t always has a place in my heart)

    VIII was fun

    X was pretty cool as well

    XII play this one now and having a blast.

    Bottom line, you will enjoy all of them so get them all if you can.

  5. As far as Final Fantasy goes the best ones are and were on the PSone and FAnacom(nintendo) but for ps2 i would say X is the best one X-2 made me loose all faith in square,  XII was okay i guess but i wasnt impressed by the story and the charecters seemed dull. Get FFIX FFVI(the american FFIII) also FFIII(japan)& FFVII thoose are by far the best ones.  

  6. 7

  7. Final Fantasy XII

    Final Fantasy X

    Final Fantasy X-2

  8. FFX

    i luv this game!

  9. I'd have to say FFX, as the battle system, skill development system and plot gave a cohesive feel and a well-paced game that allowed you to get ahead at your own pace. FFXII, however, involved far too much grinding, and the story never felt consistent or properly driven. The sphere grid gave structure and unique character functions, whereas twelve led players more towards averaged characters hard to differentiate from one another.

  10. how bout Playstation one? i loved FF2

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