
Whats the best flea shampoo?(for cats)

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is using dawn dish detergent actually more effective?


any tips on bathing a cat????




  1. None of them.  Fleas only kill SOME of the fleas when you bathe it but the minute you put the cat back on the floor, more will hop on.

    Use a spot treatment like Advantage or Frontline monthly to kill fleas and stop them from breeding.

    Dawn dish liquid is often used by showcat owners as it degreases the coat.  Then they follow up with a cat shampoo.  If your cat isn't a showcat the only time you'd ever need to bathe it is if was to get into something greasy - like oil on a driveway or something else outdoors.  But if you're a responsible pet owner and keep your cat indoors this will never be necessary.

    Edit: please don't follow the bad and dangerous advice of Justin K.  Most flea shampoos contain harsh pesticides that can make your cat very sick.  And flea collars are useless.  You should also NEVER combine treatments - use ONE.

  2. Any flea shampoo is really good.  Talk to the cat while you are bathing it, make sure to be careful of it's claws.  A good way to get them to remain calm is to grab them on the scruff of their neck, it releases a relaxation hormone and they won't be able to move.  They might meow a little bit, but don't worry, it won't hurt them, set them in the water, bathe and wrap in a towel, continue to tell the cat that he or she is a good boy/ girl and dry thoroughly.  Release, give treat, and continue to tell him/her what a good boy/girl he/she was.  Provide treat and continue to check flor fleas, immediately after drying, apply a flea collar for maximum effect. Hope this helps!  

  3. Flea shampoo's are no longer working and neither are collars, or most one spot treatments.  The fleas have become immune to them.  I have a cat that is allergic to fleas and this year they only thing that has killed them and kept them away is a new one spot treatment called revolution, you have to get it from a vet but it works.  Within 48hrs all the fleas on my cats were dead.

  4. I love your silver classic tabby pictured as your avatar!

    If you want to bathe kitty for the fleas, I have seen Dawn detergent recommended, but I have always just used baby shampoo.  Reasons are..if I get any soap in their eyes, it will not sting, baby shampoo is not as harsh and drying to the skin, and finally, no shampoo will totally rid kitty of her fleas.

    When you wet kitty for her bath, the adult fleas will jump off or go into one of the body openings including the eyes and ears.  So bathing kitty just relieves her of the other flea stages, the eggs, larva or cocoon.  When kitty is dry and warm, the adult fleas will return to torment her.  If you want to bath her to help with the battle, it is okay, but then use a good flea product such as Advantage.  Advantage is what I use on my kitties, it works well and the odor is not as offensive as some of the other products.  Avoid using the OTC products, the chemical they use is a synthetic of what the vet products us and it can be toxic up to lethal to kitties.

    As for hints for bathing her..what I do is take a old soft washcloth and just using very warm water, I wash kitty's face, ears, head, throat and neck.  That way I don't have to run water over her face when I am rinsing suds away, they are not startled by water on their head and they don't fight as bad.  Then I wet and lather her body well.  Be sure to rinse well, too, so there is no soap residue to ingest when she starts her post-bath grooming.

    Purrs to you and kitty.

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