
Whats the best for hunting 22 mag or 17hmr

by Guest67071  |  earlier

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i was looking at getting a 22 magnum or a 17hmr and i was wondering whats is the best for hunting im goin to be hunting rabbits foxes and a few kangaroos any suggestions keep in mind im left handed so some brands like cz dont make a left handed 22 magnum




  1. Get the .22 Mag. Perfect for rabbits and foxes. Kangaroos on the other hand, you might need something a bit bigger than a rimfire.

  2. well i tell you 1 thing i know a guy that cant even kill a roo on the spot and he's using a 30-30 so i doubt that a little gun like thats gona work well

    it depends on how long the ranges the 17 is very flat shooting if you sight it in at 100 yard is only like 1/2 inch high at 50 yards, while the 22 has more hitting power  

  3. My personal choice between the two for hunting would be the .22 magnum.    The .17 HMR is impressive when shooting paper over 100 yards, but .22 Magnum simply kills stuff well.

    The following is off of Chuck Hawks' Site and I can't say it any better:

    .17 HMR has an advantage in velocity, trajectory, and accuracy.  The .22 WMR has an advantage in energy, bullet frontal area, sectional density, and consequently killing power.   The .22 WMR has about as much killing power at 100 yards as the .17 HMR does at 50 yards.

  4. I would only consider the 17 for the smallest of game. I have never hunted Kangaroo, but I assume that it is not considered small game.  A 22 mag makes a bigger wound, drives deeper, and shoots a heavier bullet at a high speed.  The .22 mag also costs a lot less to shoot.

    Is a no brainer. The 17 is too small for a Kangaroo, maybe even a .22 mag.  

  5. 22 mm but why would you want to hunt with a hand gun?? go rifle more fun :)

  6. 22 Mag....

    Check the ballistics and energy level at distance.  The 17 shoots faster and flatter but does not have much stopping power.....the 22 mag is slower but has more power at distance.  Yeah,  you will have to compensate a little more for bullet drop but that is a skill you need to learn anyway..

    Plus 22 mag is cheaper.    Plus in a pinch you can fire 22 LRs through it and 22 LRs are about as inexpensive as you can get.  

  7. I own a lever action .22 mag and a bolt action .17 hmr.

    I like them both but I think I prefer the .22 mag a little bit better.

    The ballistics are quite similar so I'm probably choosing the .22 mag because of the gun and not the round itself.

  8. get a .22 chipmunk they make Lefty's I've got one. I don't know much about kangaroos but it should take one out if your a good shot. This gun is prime for rabbits, and foxes.

  9. 17hmr is awsome for rabbits and other small game and has good range but sounds like a 22 magnum would be better for you if you want to shoot kangaroos because it has more knock down power than the 17hmr. Try marlin rifles they seem to be good value.

  10. Use the 22 Magnum on everything but the Kangaroos.* For Kangaroos you need to use a 22 Hornet, 218 Bee, 222, 22-250.*  The 22 Magnum is to light to use on Kangaroos.*

  11. Kangaroos go down easy with well placed .22LR shots, so a .17HMR or .22WMR will not be a problem.

    I've got both a .17HMR and a .22WMR, I prefer the .17HMR mainly because it shoots flatter, making it better for rabbits, and will easily take a fox out to 120m at least (provided you placed your shots ;)). The only problem with the .17HMR is wind, compared to the .22WMR the .17HMR is greatly affected.

    Ammo is now coming to around the same price, so that's not a problem.

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