
Whats the best graphic card i can use?

by Guest32787  |  earlier

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what's the best graphic card i can install on a foxconn K7S7GXMG-6L WITH AMD sempron(tm)

2400+ 1.7 GHz, 1GB RAM? and 2 hard drives total 210 GB.




  1. yep. it should be pci-e. run and check the ;graphics' output. it will tell you what the slot type is.

    Once you know, the only other important variable is your power supply. the more powerful the video card, the larger the power supply you will need to run it.

    In any case, as long as the machine's pci-e and you either have a decent power supply or are prepared to upgrade the power supply, then you can put any card you like in it.

    there's a good buyers guide here

    with a decent video card in it it should be able to play plenty of games.  

  2. With an outdated computer like that, you are probably limited to AGP(check the motherboard manual to see which slot you have, AGP or PCI-Express). And even so, getting the very best AGP graphics card is pointless because your system will hold it back from its full potential.

  3. if u ask me..change the mother board if u are going for graphic card, think in long term bases

  4. go for an 8500gt or 8600gts. this cards are A-ok for mid setting games and for a budget build like yours, plus you don't need to change your PSU to use one of this

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