
Whats the best insect repellant out there?

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home made or shop bought, none seem to work for my guys! Thanks =]




  1. Nothing is perfect! And Nothing works more then 24 hours! I dont care what you say!  I have used Endure, Happy Horse, keep a clean barn, and have no fly problms.  But I spray them every evening also. I have 2 horses, and one bottle lasts me for almost 30 days.  Cheaper stuff lasted one week, waste of money.  I've said it before, if its not recomended for horses, I dont touch it!  Same goes for home made treats, fly spray, e.t.c.  I tried Bronco, once.  Waste of money.  I tried a homemade formula, once.  Waste of money and time.  Remember, you get what you pay for!

  2. Adams flea & tick also repels flies/mosquitoes.  

    Just make sure to use something formulated for pets, not people.  People-formulated repellents have way too much active ingredients for use on pets.  Using people-formulated repellents on pets can lead to poisoning.

  3. Honestly, i'm not even sure~ I got ten bites just last night~! i never had any problems before but now i get them all the dang time~! the worst part is i get scares....

  4. I have started using 'Naff Off Deet' horse fly repellent this year. Last year I used their natural one in the pink bottle, but this year I'm trying the black bottle which contains Deet. It seems to be working really well. I use the spray for the body and the gel for around the face. My horse is black and seems to attract a lot of flies. I have fed my horse garlic every day for 10 years+ and have never found it to work as a fly repellent. I feed it for its other uses.

  5. I have heard from a mule and horse owner that he feeds them apple cider vineger with the feed. Also, Bounch dryer sheets are supposed to work well.

  6. try War Paint

    and Endure


    I love this stuff it works and does last for about 17 days. No lie. it is the best stuff but I go threw it fast...  you can use it as a wipe too

    some others like wipe X and  I have used zonk it, which is pretty good for the day heh. Bronco sucks... bug out sucks

    i also use the home made stuff  apple vinagar, A and M and garlic small very fine chopped up clove. but as your vet the intake your horse should get.

  8. well i havent got bit with the insect repellant OFF!   itss actually really good and u can buy it in stores!

  9. my instructor makes hers and its great but i dont know the recipie, try naff off they have natural range and serious range which is chemical one. also u get a free fly fringe with each bottle. or something like that. also dont xpect miracles.

  10. Definitely home made, because you are unique to the area your insects are in. What works on one fly might not on another depending on what that fly normally lives on.

    Try different recipes until you find the one your particular insects don't like.

    Most of them stink by the way :0)

  11. try giving your horses garlic granules. There is a fly spray in the UK called 'DEET' which is very effective but there has been evidence that it isnt good for people or horses... I use water, mixed with citronella, and then spray that on me and the horses. This works speicifically well for horse flys. I also add some neem oil into this, which stops mosquitos etc.

  12. Give your ponies/horses a couple of garlic tablets, it comes out in there pores and detracts insects!

  13. Brut for men or Old Spice... Repels most women and they are not that different to insects!

  14. Nenuco. It will ward off any type of insects...try also Bite Be Gone 2 in 1.  Very effective.

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