
Whats the best int/adv skis out for riding the mountain?

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Hey guys, I come here seaking your wisdom as my girlfriend is currently looking to purchase her first set of ski's as we plan to ski alot. Renting isnt an option anymore.

She is a good skier and is confident enough that she is hitting the harder runs. Unfortuently she is lost in all the tech-babble and doesnt know what to be looking for. What do you reccomend?


- Intermediate skier with confidence.

- Plans to do alot of skiing in the future.

- We are heading to Japan at the end of the year, so they need to be able to be comfortably used in the powder (dont want skis which are 100% for powder)

- 167~ish cm tall

- Small build (60~kg)

- Rather buy a more advanced ski as it allows for her to grow more, as we plan to ski alot.

I hope this covers all bases. We are also happy to get gear from the USA as we are already organising to get 3/4 of our kits from over there already.So feel free to provide links to any products from over there if a good price is offered.

Thank you,





  1. My personal opinion is that K2 makes some of the best women's skis available.  Sounds like she might do well on Lotta Luv's, but take a look at the link below.  You can get some pretty good prices on these skis in last year's model too.

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