
Whats the best job you can get when you are 16?

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Whats the best job you can get when you are 16?




  1. retail would be pretty good

    i work in a cafe and its not too bad

  2. Fast Food is usually a given to get hired, and you are guaranteed to get hours.  Retail is easy, but it doesn't pay well. Summer time brings great jobs with camps as a counselor or lifeguard. I've found that finding a NICE restaurant to host or bus in seems to be the best pay, and they work well with your availability.

    Hostess and Bus Boy starts out well above minimum wage and comes with opportunity to move yourself up further.

    Good luck

  3. food service or retail. I think it should be required for everyone, you learn great people skills and good life lessons, like how to tip....

    my first job was a clothing store at the mall, worked there for a few months and then moved on to a well paying hostess job at a restaurent

  4. I worked in Curry's at 16.

  5. I was working in Next when i was 16! :D Great job! x

  6. big supermarkets always want people. I work in a gym as a receptionist. My friends a lifeguard which pays well if you can do it.  

  7. like working in river island or something?

    my best friend whos a guy works as a plumber and hes 17, started when he was 16, but his dad is a plumber tooo.

    sooo 8-)

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