
Whats the best ki website or someone who can teach me?

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Hey, i was wondering if anyone knew what ki websites worked best for them as of making ki balls and stuff like that. its just something im interested in. and also, if someone can IM me or anything and just help me if i had questions that would be awesome, message me. thanks in advance




  1. Hello

    Also known as Psi Balls?

    If so this site has some info ~


  2. The ability to manipulate Ki is ridiculous. I believe there is Ki in all of us, but to manipulate it? Thats ridiculous. You may be wondering, what did i feel then? The body feels what the mind wants. (i think thats how it goes) You wanted and believed it was there, so your mind made it think it was. In a way its like an illusion. It tricks the eyes into seeing something different. Don't waste your time trying to make "blasts" and "balls" (be mature) with Ki, because if it was real scientists would be all over it, and would of made history.

  3. Let's clarify some terms first.

    Ki is the Japanese name for lifeforce energy. That energy has been discovered all over the world and has been given many names. Here is a brief list of some of those names.

    ch'i, itaki, mana, manitou, orgone, prana, reiki, ruach, etc.

    OK. now that you know what ki really is; there are MANY MANY ways to tap into that energy.

    1. martial arts.

    2. learn a healing modality like Reiki, Actualism meditation, Qigong. Magnussa Phoenix, etc.

    3. ceremonies as in Native American spirituality.

    4. yoga

    5. religions such as Johrei, Wicca, etc.

    I went the route of Hawai'ian mysticism. Feel free to check out my blog on Yahoo 360. then click on the tag "pule_me_mana"

  4. Assuming you do mean Ki energy/movement, here are a few to get you started (I think you posted your question in the wrong catagory, tho):


    You may want to re-post your question in the martial arts'll probably get more responses there.

    Also, do a search for 'ki' in Y!A, there are a couple of posts.

  5. Before you take too much of what ki believers have to say, I would recommend you become familiar with the following:

  6. I would be happy to make suggestions to you of exercises you can do to help focus or control the movement of energy in your body. Feel free to email me anytime.

    Otherwise, there are some things on the web that are interesting, but you might find it more helpful to work with other people who specialize in this sort of thing. In particular attending Qi-Gong classes would be great, as would Tai-chi. Anything where an experienced instructor can help you in person would be far superior to what's on the web.

    I hope that helps :)

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