
Whats the best legal mp3 site

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Whats the best legal mp3 site




  1. ITUNES without a doubt. you CAN use it without an ipod if you want to play just on your computer but best with an ipod.

    fantastic range of music and VIDEO (unlike other sires) great search on store and on your computer and ability to edit  index your own music.

  2. iTunes store is amazing and extremely cheap.

    But and are great too.

  3. Goto the first link download the program and install (this will not f***up your computer I've had it for more than a year now).

    Next, goto the next few links and type in what you're looking for and you should be good. I've found just next to everything using torrents. And I've even called the FBI on it and they said p2p is NOT illegal.

  4. I really recommend this website:)

  5. I will highly recommend you

    here mp3 player witn great memory are avaialble in cheaper price and site service and delivery is appreciable.

  6. is pretty good, its more expensive per track than itunes but the bitrate is higher and you can download FLAC too, also the cost of full albums is the same if not cheaper than itunes

  7. walmart

  8. Download from iTunes. Its legal.  


    It's not 's***s' it's 'S-HITS' so, don't think your typing 's***s'...

    It's like www.mp3 S hits.come

    If you understand? lol

  10. there's a bunch of totally free mp3s on

  11. Birdman is only partially correct.  Using P2P and torrents is indeed legal, however downloading copyrighted material, like most music, using p2p is definitely illegal.

    I get almost all of my music from  The music is a higher bitrate than you get on iTunes, usually cheaper, and there's no copyright protection, so I can put the music on any device I want to use.

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