
Whats the best offensive move for a fight? (men)?

by  |  earlier

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Say you're in a fight, and someone squares up to you, you have time to do 1 move, which would be the most effective thing to do?

(excluding a kick to the 'goods' im not that low..)




  1. I just do what's nessaccary to defend myself and close friends. other than that depends solely on you.

  2. A couple of things first. When someone squares up to you, or gets in your face, back up a bit; and cross one arm in front of you, and the other hand resting on your chin. This means your arms are in a better position to make a move, and are not down by your sides when you need to use them. NEVER, EVER go for the instinctive, angry punch - the overhand right. If your opponent has any street fighting experience whatsoever, they will see this coming, and you will put your body out of position and make it a lot easier for your opponent to retaliate. A quick jab to the nose or trachea is always a good option, to momentarily stun your opponent. If you are in a bar, back up and grab a bar stool; he will not be able to move closer to you if he has a weapon. When you make your move, do not hesitate, and do not look your opponent in the eye; that wil make it alot harder to for them to judge what you are doing.   Good luck!

  3. let him swing first

    never strike first

    he will miss when you dodge it, just relax and when he comes for that next punch give him a counter punch right to his nose at the bottom just above the lip

    breaks the nose most of the time, causes the tear ducts in your eyes to swell

    so you start watering in your eyes making it harder to see

    if you break the nose or even slightly damage it so hes bleeding it will force him to breathe out of his mouth instead of his nose

  4. crotch bar, its a wrestling move

    get one arm under his crotch, where you can bend his elbow up, and simply lift, the dude'll cry

  5. Throw up and curl into a fetal position. Honestly if somebody squares up to you it is for show, and you can easily avoid getting physical.

    Also think about this...if you throw the first blow, that's assault and you will get to know your local law enforcment personel and your local court system well.

  6. Jab to the trachea. Quick, effective, and potentially deadly.

    If you want to go for a "fair" move the nose is probably best; it induces excruciating pain, causes blurred vision through teared eyes, and you'll be able to get more shots at the nose through the course of the fight. It breaks easy too.

  7. punch to the temple would work well but if they have any training at all then its easy to block.  best offense is a good deffense. just don't let them make contact and strike at the first opening.

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