
Whats the best part of spain to live in?

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Whats the best part of spain to live in?




  1. Ciudad Real, Castilla-La Mancha


  2. IBIZA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I always heard great things about Sevilla and Barcelona.

  4. hello,

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  5. I would definitely suggest Seville.

    Did it.

    Loved it.  

    details?  email me.

    And I've never heard of criminals in Costa del Sol, but I would stay away from the big touristy areas, if only because that sort of takes away from the Spanishness.  That would probably keep you away from the criminals, as well.  Just a little bit inland, or away from the Costa del Sol region, and everything changes.

  6. costa del sol , it's full of crimanals who have fled autohrites

  7. It really depends on what you're after... Spain has so many different regions to choose from.

    Personally, i've never been that bg a fan of the whole costa del sol. I'd pick somewhere a bit further inland in Andalucia. If you're still after some beach life though then perhaps its worth considering the Costa del Luz. Less developed and less tourists. I'm sure there's some great bargains there.

    For me, the best part of Spain has always been Seville. It has good culture, great bars and restaurants and lively, friendly people.

    Barca and Valencia are also very cool.

  8. My favourite places in Spain to live in are Murcia and Valencia. Both are lovely cities that aren't big enough to be stressful or small enough to be boring.

    There are also beaches nearby both as well as beautiful countryside.

    There is also low unemployment, low crime rates and low cost of living.

    You also have two airports nearby both so you can go on holiday easily.

    Also, from Murcia, you can get to lots of great places in 2 hours (ski-ing in the Sierra Nevada, Granada, Valencia, Madrid  - OK that takes 3 hours - Riópar, etc.) as there is a good motorway network.

    From Valencia it would take you longer to get down to Granada but you have a fantastic coast line to the North which makes it worth it.

    There is good culture in Valencia (The city of Arts and Sciences and the Opera House) but you have an amazing jazz festival in the open air in Murcia in the summer as well as a world music festival in Cartagena.

  9. I live in the coastal mountains between Málaga & Granada. There is no finer place to live in Spain. Having said that, whatever you call home will be the best place for you.

  10. Benalmadena costa del sol,central for getting about along the coast and inland close to airport good bus links,train etc weather great,

  11. Marbella

  12. costa del sol, but 5 star is right of course

  13. It very much depends on your circumstances and what are you looking for.  Cities will give you more employment opportunites so there is Madrid or Barcelona. The Costas and coastlines are full of ex-pats and it is very hard to earn money out there, I know loads of people who have moved back to UK because they couldn't earn decent money.

    The Islands are quiter than mainline Spain.

    I would make a list of what you are looking for from the move and then it should be easier to find the right place.

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