
Whats the best pet to buy

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I love animals and would love to get a new pet but i need to know what kind of pet to get and they are easy and funn help me out




  1. kittens are adorable. Cats are even better! They're so playful and upbeat, I have cats and theres never a dull moment in my house!  

  2. A dog definitely! After all, are they not man's best friend? Dogs are perfect due to their variation in sizes. Hope this helps.

  3. i personally would recomend a dog, but they are not easy. so i would say a cat because they can do what they want and all you have to do is lay there food down and put some cat kitter in there tray however they will play with u and they have personalitys (unlike snails)

  4. cats are independant and fun when you play with them or a fish but there just kinda nice to look at

  5. Yeah, you should get a pet snake! They are a lot of fun!

  6. well my openion on this is no cats cuz my dad hates them no mice or rats snakes bite and when htey do it hurts like hel and if any one doesnt say that they dont thats a lie they have teeth, i personaly would go for a rabbit over a dog because you dont have to feed the as much you can train them andthey are easy to clean and teach.

  7. Something very easy = rat, hamster, guinea pig. They are also a lot of fun. Rats are trainable and are very tame. They're funny and cute and silly and don't take much maintenance at all.

    Cats and dogs are awesome but need room and space to move, they need a lot of attention.

  8. You should buy a horse. You don't have to ride, you can just keep it for a companion. Some horses don't cost a lot. They last FOREVER! Some horses are pretty cheap. You don't need a lot of land, just padock with room for running!

  9. pet rock? lol

  10. good low maintence animal has to be fish

    also 1 or 2 cats are good.

    but the best regardless of anything  is probably a big dog because they are good at gaurding. like i mean a german shepard or something.  

  11. hamsters!!!!! lol ma nephew got one its easy ta take care of n dey cute  


    Guinea pig sooo cute, different colors to chose from.

    Birds are cool

  13. Gerbil

  14. Fish.

    Or one cat.

    Trust me flea season isn't fun.

  15. cats are easy,independant and cute,dogs are fun and loyal,and snakes are nasty ugly things so i dont think they would be much fun...chipmunks are great to watch,chinchillars are gorgeous,other wis you could always get some tropical fish...boring yet hypnotising....em otherwise go all out and buy a horse...we just have and they r fab

  16. Guinea pigs are cute and cuddly.

    Bunnies are also cute and fun to play with.

    : )  

  17. not to buy a pet, instead save that money and send it to a poor family in a third world nation who die of starvation everyday. they will love you for life.

    as opposed to buying a pet.

  18. a puppy because when it grows up it will even die for u

  19. Snake, fairly easy to take care of, fun to play with, and REALLY fun to watch them eat

  20. If you want a fun and energetic pet read here- If you want a pet that's really fun and energetic, a dog 'cause they love running around and playing with you, and it depends if it's hard to take care of or not, some people just leave it outside, let it eat and drink, and...that's all but some take care of they're dog really well, they groom it every day, play with it every day, and other things depends on the owner's choice I know someone that just leave they're dog outside, play with it, give it food and water and it has a HUGE backyard, they have a like a forest in the back (literally)

    If you want something calm and easy...- a cat, I had a cat and loved it, when I watch TV, it'll sit on my lap and play with me, when I go to sleep it'll cuddle next to me, and I go to school so it wakes me up every morning, it's like a alarm clock that licks you, it licks me to get me up or jump on me...hehe. And it grooms it self and things, I mean, some people think cats are boring but it depends on the one you have for me, I like cats more than dogs

    Something in a cage and easy- a bunny omg! They are hard hard to take care of, everyday you have to clean it's cage, give it food and water, clean the p**p and pee's the worst! Make sure it has a blanket over the cage when sleeping....and it's kinda boring, they just sit around in it's cage...doing nothing unless you train it to live in your house with a litter box, I think the ones that live not inside a cage is funner, and they're healthier 'cause they have room to run around and have freedom. You can also get a guinea pig and hamster, they're similar to taking care of a bunny except they're smaller so less work but same.

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