
Whats the best pet to have thats inexpensive and not messy?

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cant have a dog or cat ...want something like them tho




  1. Definitely a pet rock! Mine is called Murgatroyd =)

  2. I like the 'pet rock' answer...but have to agree with fish if you want something with a tad more life.

    I don't think you can get anything that's both inexpensive and non messy if you want something along the lines of a cat or dog.

    I have kept many reptiles which the majority tend to be inexpensive once you've bought the initial set up. They're not cuddly like a cat and you don't really walk them like a dog, although some species enjoy time outside when warm.

    How messy they are all depends on what species you get, leopard geckos for example, only go to the toilet in one place in their vivarium.

    Ferrets as we have recently found out, are absolutely hilarious and are supposed to be quite affectionate once they've matured. They're not hugely expensive but they can be messy little wotsits, although you can easily litter train them. They need plenty of exercise and you can take them for walks when big enough to wear a harness.

    An excellent book to buy on them is called 'ferrets for dummies' which you can buy from

  3. Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, Hamster!

  4. get a bunny! they're pretty sweet, little, and if you let it run around your backyard after a month or so, it'll be low maintenance because you don't have to clean it's poo. just as long as you leave out a bowl of water and food.

  5. Fish of course

  6. a pet rock!

  7. A pet rock.

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