
Whats the best pet you can get for a six year old little girl other than cats, dogs and fish?

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we already have 3 cats and some fish.




  1. A ferret? However, they do bite... so if you were to buy one I would probably buy one from somone who has handled it reguarly.... They are extremely playful, they chase anything that u move around. They require a fair bit of bathing though, due to their odor they develop if they are not washed. They are so so so smart, can be kitty litter trained and you can walk them on leashes!

    And of course, the answer that all little girls want to hear (lol)... a pony :) Ponies make wonderful pets, and compared to horses, are rather low maintenance, especially shetland ponies. They are hardy, friendly, CUTE little guys and children absolutley adore them.  Their also relatively cheap (generaly not exceding a few hundred dollars).

  2. HERMIT CRABS definitly ... i had a hampster with 2 cats and the cat ate him:(

  3. think about it this way ... most 6 year olds in my experience don't really end up taking care of the pets that their parents get for them.  The parents end up with the responsibility, so the question is ... what kind of pet do you want? LOL

  4. a hermit crab! they are boring and they dont really have much to them, all they need is water and a little bit of food.

  5. Depends on the little girl. I would say no to rabbits and ferrets, as both are much more demanding than they seem. Also, children usually want to pick up, pet and play with small animals, and rabbits are fragile and most don't like that, and ferrets sometimes tend to bite and are rather fragile as well. I had a little green anole lizard around that age, I loved her to death and had her for about 2 years. As long as your little girl isn't squeamish, a small lizard might be a good idea. It's something to sit and watch more than play with, but is pretty interesting. Mice and rats are good pets too. Not as delicate as rabbits, and from what I've heard make really good pets. They are also not for the squeamish girlie girls though. Hamsters are also good. My best friend around that age had hamsters. Turtles are also good, just be very careful about hand washing. That goes for lizards too, reptiles can carry diseases like salmonella. Birds also make good pets. I had parakeets. They are pretty and sing and some can even learn to talk.

    Just be sure the pet is suited to your child's maturity and activity level, and that it isn't something that is going to lose her interest after a while and get neglected or abandoned.

    Also, never underestimate more fish! (Although, granted, this is from the girl whose boyfriend usually has to pull her away from any display of pet fish to keep her from buying more, especially bettas, which each need their own bowl. I have three now, and am debating *rescuing* more from walmart while they are still somewhat healthy.)

  6. hamster

    guinea pig



    toucan (no joke)

  7. a ferret is not the way to go.   ferrets need LOTS of care, can be expensive and would be way to much for a small child.  they are wonderful animals,  just not appropriate.   why are you wanting more pets?   does your daughter help care for the cats and fish responsibly?   whatever you choose,  ferrets are high maintanence.    RESEARCH any exotic animal before buying.

  8. hamsters, gerbils.  but rats are the best of the small pets.  they are smart, easily trained, very clean, and very social.  don't listen to the negative stereotypes about them, they are unwarranted.

    edit:  as far as the cats are concerned, if they are indoor cats, they will most likely ignore or be scared of rats.  my cat runs from them all the time.  rats can hold their own when it comes to larger animals.

    i agree with smarty pants, rabbits and ferrets are not a good pet for a young child.

  9. i'd say a bunny, because, they are similar to a hamster in the cute and cuddly department, but they are bigger, so there is no problem with them getting lost. Although a ginea pig, would also provide the same things.

  10. I work at a pet store so I can help u out. turtles, hamsters, chinchillas, parrots, guinea pigs, etc

  11. I'd have to say a ferret. I had a customer that owned two and said they were a blast to have as pets. She said that they behave similar to a playful kitten always keeping you on your toes which I think would be perfect for a young vibrant six year old girl. But make sure if you decide to purchase one to have the anal glands removed. Happy pet hunting!

  12. Reptiles are cool.  There are numerous snakes and lizards that can make wonderful pets.  Check out the veiled chameleon's or corn snake (pretty).  A friend and a neighbor have sulcada tortoises, they're very interesting.

    A young lovebird, just one, can be a fun pet too.  They are darling birds and very sweet as well.  We had one and it was an easy keeper.

    Depending on the area you live you might want to consider a goat or miniature horse (not a pony -they aren't known to have the best temperaments) could be fun.

  13. well, cats are natural hunters and literally kill small things just for the fun of it so hamsters,rabbits ect, are out of the question how about some tadpoles. She could raise them and watch them grow, it would be a great pet and a great educational experiance as well. or maybe a turtle, but she has to wash her hands after handeling it.

  14. couple of love birds or a couple of rabbits.

  15. a turtle or a gerbil or hammy (hampster)...

  16. gift her a turtle

  17. my girls had a gecko at that age and did very well with it.

  18. Guinea Pigs!!! Their so cute and fun and easy to take care of!

  19. A bird like a parrot or something.

    A Hamster or Gerbil.

    A Turtle

    A Bunny Rabbit

    A Ferrit

  20. No matter what some of these crazy people are saying BUNNIES and FERRETS are NOT good pets for young chidlren or even older children. They are costly and require alot of work. Bunnies are not cuddley at all. Most rabbits don't like to be held adn can scratch and bite the heck out of you if you don't know what you are doing. They are the equivelent of caring fo ra cat or dog adn they require 2 hourse out fo their cage daily.

    I would suggest a rat or even a mouse. Mice are cheap and don't have to be let out of their cages, but can still teach a child about responsibility

  21. get a  guinea pig

  22. a rat! they are smart and clean, you just have to keep their cage clean

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