
Whats the best place to get a tattoo under 18 in minnesota??

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O.K i ask a similiar question a little bit ago but no one answered my question so what's the best place to get a tattoo as a minor in minnesota. That's all I want to know and if my mother said it's ok then that's her business but i just want to know please!!




  1. Best thing to do is not get one,98% of the people that get a tattoo under age of 18 or 18 end up covering up the piece in 6-10 years maybe less then that, sucks we see it here all the time.

    Think about it

  2. Any place in Minnesota will do a tattoo if you're under 18...but ONLY if you have the consent of your parents.

    Here is the law taken directly from the state: "609.2246. Tattoos; minors

    Subdivision 1. Requirements. No person under the age of 18 may receive a tattoo unless the person provides written parental consent to the tattoo. The consent must include both the custodial and noncustodial parents, where applicable."

    So I would check out websites like and to find tattoo shops near you and read reviews of customers :)

  3. Your best bet would be to call different tattoo places in your area and see. Even though it is legal to tattoo a minor with consent, a lot of places won't do it for legal reasons.  

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