
Whats the best scariest movie out there??

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what is the best scariest movie for the year 2008 thta has came out other then saw?




  1. The Strangers and Doomsday.  Not many saw Doomsday but like his previous film the Descent it was creepy.

  2. not to be a jerk and disagree here, but i thought the mist was far from scary. I personally couldnt take it serious at all. IMO no good scary movies came out this year.

  3. Tied Between The Desent And Creep Doomsday Looks Pretty Good

  4. id say the ring. its the only movie that has scared me... the saw series isn't scary in any way, it's just gory. But the ring, that movie is terrifying!

    Sorry, it came out a few years ago, not in 2008.

    The ruins was pretty scary this year

  5. Rob Zombie's "Halloween" seriously scared the living S**t out of me, and it takes a lot to frighten me hahaa. It came out in 07 though :/ The Mist was g*y, so was saw o.o

  6. 28 Days later is a GREAT movie, it's not like all the other horror movies where stupid teenage girls and horny guys get killed by a psychopath, it actually has a good storyline and plot.

    Watch it, u won't be sorry

  7. I am big on watching horror/scary movies. Pretty much look for and watch all. But to be honest, there really no scariest movie these days. Everything is pretty much a repeat, you can tell when something is going to happen, there is no surprise. Even to me SAW movies are predictable, they arent scary, just blood and gore... But i say say this year, i couldnt name a one that i would consider scary. Every horror movie i saw, i was disappointed in.

    Mirrors i havent seen yet and it peaks my interest. Plan to see that one pretty soon. The remake of Nightmare on Elm St sounds interesting but dont think its coming out until end of next year.

    Shutter looked good from the previews, but after watching, it was too predictable and boring ending. Like the other person said, 28 Days later wasnt too bad but didnt find it scary. Doomsday  was boring, wasnt going to waste the time on The Strangers, looks too predicable, The Ruins didnt hold my attention.

    One Missed Call came out i think this year as well, but it was terrible on how it was butchered, The Japanese version is 100 times better i would suggest seeing that movie if you want to see a scary movie. It is dubbed in english..  But you will get different answers, people have different opinions.

    Mirrors i havent seen and it peaks my interests. It sounds like a pretty good movie. The remake of Nightmare on Elm St sounds interesting, they are going to go into more details in the dreams and be more of a scary movie then just blood going everywhere.

  8. Mirrors.

    Its got a crazy concept and they pulled it off. Its creepy and really original. Overall its a really decent flick. Easily the best horror of 2008.  

  9. Lol.  Saw didn't come out this year.  Saw V comes out in October.  From 2007 - 2008 I'd say The Mist is probably the best horror film to come along.

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