
Whats the best site for creating a photo gallery out of images I already have on flickr or another site?

by  |  earlier

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I have a ton of pictures and galleries on flickr, but really any some better way to show and share these with friends. Is there anything out there better than the build in galleries in flickr for showing them to friends? I've seen piclens which is cool, but only for desktop, I want a way to be able to show them off on my website, or email to friends.




  1. I've been using for the past few weeks and I absolutely love it!!  It takes only a few seconds to share my pictures with my friends cuz all I have to do is type in my flickr account and shoot out an email.  The pictures are presented in 3-D fashion so it's a lot of fun to flip through and move around on the screen.  

  2. here a list of sites:

  3. I think the best one is  Check it out.

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