
Whats the best site to find local horse shows?

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  1. Google/yahoo your local ponyclubs and get their websites and check out their bulletins or upcoming event.

    ALso you could check out your feed suppliers bulletin boards and also local saddleries and riding clinics/centres.

    My best bet would be google your local ponyclub's website

    =) Goodluck


    tells u shows in your county and also divides them into event type

  3. If you ride at a barn or stable, they are most likely to have show lists, or ask the barn owner or someone. If you know any barns or stables by you that you don't use. See if those barns have a website. Sometime barns list local shows. If you have a pony or something that you like keep in a backyard, visit a local barn where they might have lists. Google or Yahoo for local horseshows. Hope this helped!  

  4. your local feed store bulletin board is the best place to look. websites don't usually carry listings of local shows. also contact your local 4-h, saddle club, hunt club, or FFA chapter and they'll have information on upcomming shows

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